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Everything posted by Brew

  1. Good job op Maybe not 25v35 next time
  2. Brings 3/1 main ratio on weekends, claims to be a good pure clan. LOL Goes clan wars and looses without mains, claims clan wars is bullbrown sticky stuff. LOL
  3. 50v50 champs 50v50 champs
  4. Your struggling against a singles team
  5. We'll be waiting till 2020 for you to start prepping and mining
  6. LMFAOOO. Wasn't this when we was like 3 weeks old and u put a voted topic up to come out to clear us with +15 and nearly got cleared? XD
  7. You live off disability allowance, you can't talk about anyone working
  8. I feel like we've touched a nerve. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZnDZbtJcP4
  9. People taking this so serious hahahahhahahahaha I'm crying
  10. LOOOOOOOl I'm terrible at bridding? Risk me?
  11. Brew


    what? l00000000000000000l You seem mad? we're just a singles team
  12. This is so true XD Hes the kinda brid to do a 1way lmfao
  13. starting 8-9 (forgot one was our scout) ending 7-0
  14. Its the only thing you compete in because it allows you to bring mains. Your irrelevant to the pure scene. We've been around 2 months and we're probs achieving more then you have in nearly 2 years. I left CD because their is a quality cap, I actually feel sorry for your members who actually have potential but just get propagandized to stay by saying your 'the best' while your bringing mains. Yeah you may say Olympus bring them and brown sticky stuff but least they fucking prep and do minis godbless. To advance yourself as a pure and stop been held back by Critical damage. Leave today and join Purity or some other clan that actually allows you to branch out!
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