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    Conquest Events

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  1. I hope to work with you guys in the future. I support the community and I want to see growth and entertainment from both parties. There was a misunderstanding with the advertisement I didn’t think we came to an agreement of yet reason I never posted links or logos on your behalf, sorry for this. Thanks to all your staff for their work what they managed to help us with @Kim @slushpuppeh. - Conquest Events
  2. But we have no mains? we're 100% pures. Move and its discrimination.
  3. olympus-rs.com | #olympus The two most unbreakable pure clans went out today to take down a growing alliance, and we succeeded. After 6 hours and 30 minutes, we finally broke the T7 alliance. We ended things by sitting at GDZ in a fall in for 3 minutes counting down waiting for CD to re-rush. They refused, waiting by singles, so we logged out with our well deserved win. How you possibly lost with so many clans in your cape is truthfully beyond me, CD. Image[http://image.prntscr.com/image/59f13a7b87ba443c98486c3999874156.png] blocked. Upload At Approved hosts .
  4. How does it feel have your only active event a f2p weekend event and you get slammed! L00000000000L gz op
  5. Great banta honestly was amazing, thanks for turning up. cabbage
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