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Status Updates posted by TLPSmoker1

  1. Imagine the chinese mining company turns rs into an esport lmfao

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. keefn


      @Haha you turned ur status update into this? Man u really r broccolied l0l. Either kys or stfu.

    3. TLPSmoker1


      @Keefn imagine being bullied out of sv haha

    4. keefn


      @Haha I could care less about SV? Wtf are you even trying to say with that lol?

  2. Come on over to the Slaughterhouse > Slaughter-RS.Info

  3. EOP leaderboards are juicy xd

  4. www.slaughter-rs.info best mpc join now

  5. When CD ranks are literally dogbrown sticky stuff poor and cannot afford to pay a GFXer 1m for a banner so they use the watermarked version

    1. TLPSmoker1
    2. B S E Rs

      B S E Rs

      nigga i can buy ur whole family off of rsgp

    3. TLPSmoker1


      nigga u cant afford return sets

  6. Mfw rage only wins preps against brown sticky stuffters

    1. keefn


      Mfw Slaughter only preps + has sign ups every single weekend now

    2. Niblet


      Mfw ur clan relies on preps and we mainly focus wild yet we had 5 preps this week and you have had 0

  7. aao dont want these hands lmfao

  8. Today was the day @Duval got bricked by my cousin bricky mcfifth in 2010

  9. The slaughterhouse is open to new applicants who are tired of losing

  10. Hey @niblit @Datassd0e somethings waiting for you on our forums

  11. To everyone who wants to view rage's leaderboards head on over to www.slaughter-rs.info

  12. hahaha cd logged out

  13. Shout out to my green gods in the pure community

  14. open more xlpcs and move up

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