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Posts posted by Aaronn

  1. On 21/11/2018 at 2:52 AM, Abyssalwtf said:

    All our accounts got unbanned but i forgot my password :/ was it for leaking sk members passwords ?

    Leaked novas mums dox on sharkbrew because we leaked the gay websites he had been using we didnt post on sb tho lool honors my guy they were he best days

  2. 7 hours ago, `Prod said:

    Do you remember when you almost gave leader rank to my leak.. than closed sk shortly after ahhhh good times 

    Massed up dead sk today because you were piping you had one fight vs us it ended in three seconds and you teled to cwars keep talking lmfao @Brock went very silent after tonight. a5fd13460903dfcb4a426e5deb6a0572.png&key

  3. 8 minutes ago, Brock said:

    main clan? we havent used a main ever sometimes theres the odd rune tank or addy tank but your so beta you cant fight it back have to make topics but we do it back and big cry babies 

    ik you might be blind but im not in noxi and i was the one on the tank not them for like 1min 30seconds of their video when I ran into them tanking a clan if you want to continue to blame them I legit dont care seems like i got to you xD

  4. 41 minutes ago, Brock said:

    i wont rag noxi i told them that but ill make topics showing them that they aint so special saying they have no tanks fighting with new guys

    "but ill make topics showing them that they aint so special" its runescape you are a legit weirdo dont be mad at them because i was pkin on my tank just makes you look sad as fuck in all honesty desperate attempt at trying to make your shitty little main clan better

  5. 1 minute ago, Brock said:

    but you go on to say you joinining noxi and camping ascent with tanks hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

    i still wont need tanks to kill sk again and noxi

    sk = non existant and you are scared 3;40 in the vid up to about 5mins is the only time you see me and at 3;40 I run in with like 20 kids hitting me from the clan that i was hitting... obviously im going to help the side that isnt hitting me you dumb

    rag noxi or dont rag noxi not really bothered just sad you are using excuses to do it 

  6. Confirmed propaganda for my clan called notclannedin6months we #1 atm undefeated prep record never lost a fight funny how defensive you all are crying propaganda like I give a flying fuck or have anything to prove to a bunch of upset nerds worried about their runescape clan appearance. 

    If fake news how does 1 guy who doesnt even clan manage to bait the whole of Apex? ezpz

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