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Salute EOP

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Posts posted by Salute EOP

  1. You sound kinda desperate. You aren`t even in a clan but trying to revive a community with mostly brown sticky stuffters ''0 ask, didn`t read'' etc. Also you want to putt money in it? Don`t you have better things to do with money lol then putting into a game that is obv dieing out.




    Just move on it`s not gonna get better, specially since clans closing left and right. Majority of peoples are old, and retire.

  2. Ahh yes @ banned from the ifbb and now sharkbrew but will continue to spread the truth.

    Preach brother


    Ahh you must be one of those new eop members who gets invited to Olympus trips.


    Aren't you in apex?

    Olympus trips more fun then Ruin trips tbh. But ur leading ur clan good!

  3. Lmfao, how justin beiber by op.


    Thing about Olympus is that they only offer to fight when they feel they have a strong advantage (overal hype, leaks, ddos) the second they arnt doing very well they resort to "starving clans" where they mass recruit at rock crabs until they become any real danger again.


    Leadership has no confidence in their members, I assume this is why they won't even give us a f2p prep.... Looool



    They went downhill alot in quality but then again ´´ thing about Olympus is that they only offer to fight when they feel they have a strong advantage´´ lol? When all their good members were around they were unstoppable( in wildy and clan wars) for a decent amount of time. First time ruin is beating some clans and they get really high.

  4. Everytime I post a status he deletes it... I'm not saying anything personal or advertising any websites or leaking anything. I was answers now.


     Bro, i was being nice by giving you a verbal warning when you called another sb member a bundle of twigsgot. You pming me and insulting my clan doesnt really affect me, but when you insult me in general is where you went wrong. Stop with the unnecessary flaming.









    Should`ve tagged elver or something instead of Tyrone, tyrone also bias mod(fided)

  5. We slumped op to 30 pulls. Their trips end as soon as hpcs start massing.

    That`s cause most of people in OP are also in good HPC clans. HPC mass is like 1 hour/ 1 hour and 30 mins later then MPC.


    Sounds weird what ur saying since after 1 hour most clans actually end.. Imperial ends after 1 hour, Olympus does, Ruin+apex goes sniping/wearing other capes, so basicly CD and rage are left when HPC start massing.

  6. you are actually brainded 


    "never lost vs CD" they ALWAYS lost to us lmfao, we slumped them hard af


    They never lost to CD in their good time. You didn`t touch Olympus once, while they stepped up to you and camped you in singles.


    Imperial and Rage has a decent role in it also. Imperial helped you and even tho it costed them a huge slump and wearing CD capes for long time they are now getting out of it.. Meanwhile Rage is biggest 2 sided face clan imo, backstabbed OP biggest, now OP is kinda pulling lower they talk more brown sticky stuff about them and once OP get a good pull they basicly hide.

  7. Even though more clans closing is never a good thing, who gives a fuck if Olympus closes? They're nothing more but a brown sticky stuff main clan disguised as a brown sticky stuff pure clan and was one of the pioneers of bringing cancer to the mpc scene. Good riddance if they closed.

    They are not the reason of aids in mpc scene.. CD was pulling high and atking all clans in single with mains. Olympus was the only clan to step up vs CD and their mains, and thats were their mains also increased. Don`t forget, to fight vs CD you Always need mains, and when OP stepped up vs CD they had a good amount of backup mains and they actually smashed/slumped CD.'


    The downfall for OP is the amount of people that are retired. They had good weekend trips, never lost vs CD and their mains, and having midweek action Monday-Friday with 30-45 pull for a long time.Activity also has its price, peoples get bored somewhere and retire.

  8. I'm sure @@Niblet would be smart enough to not let ducal have control of the clan


    I don't see rage closing though they're still pulling decent and still have active midweeks

    closing is not only about pull lol. Look at RD pulled good with shawn and salso, they step down, toxic and parm become leader and apperently every1 is already retired and closing. Same with TLP R3v/scotty step down, K2P and tyen become leader/high council and apperently no1 comes online anymore

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