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Everything posted by kierann

  1. looked like a really good trip tbh nice
  2. Surprised with the pull tbh so far so good keep it up gj
  3. Note* i would add "Relentless" but i don't wanna sound bigheaded about my own clan. well you just did lmfao tomato
  4. All of that only happened in late 2012/early 2013 after you guys mass recruited like that was your last breathe months before, u guys couldn't win a single event for ur life could barely pull 30's, had leaderboard leaks every so often etc... You seem to be forgetting a lot that actually happen beforehand and only focusing on the few months of success of your clan and putting down others when they had done a whole heap more. You guys deserved Best matched opts award along with your other 2, don't get me wrong, but like I said before, you are leaving out a lot of brown sticky stuff before you guys became good for the few months.
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