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Everything posted by WEBACKNIGGA

  1. Can confirm Terror brought alot of mains yesterday 75-80 cmb, lets not drop that low tough.
  2. I'd rather kill em with a magic spell that requires 13 magic.
  3. Don't let the collored armours take control over your clan, because you'll get killed with a magic spell that requires 13 magic, that would be a shame
  4. 'Hey , Mass join terror because they seem dead to me...oh wait you already did.
  5. Terror got a vid with 2 fights in it, 1 of them is a lost fight which you can see @ Dooms Pov. lmfao

  6. No ask ,figure out who hassans acc is ty ;p
  7. Username:Hassanstinkyfeet. Clan:Special forces. GP Per Kill Pic:2,5m-3m Desired Phrase When Killing Bounty?: Join SF @@Hassan is back
  8. We're not gonna pipe up like the other LPC's on a community website , we'll show it ingame. Thanks for the fights & see you soon.
  9. Mayhem Makers or The Last Pures ? pick your choices ;p We all know MM is not gonna happen - just wanna see your opinions & toughts.
  10. Don't want to teamup everytime on weekends , want to be in the LPC that made history? Join Doom.

  11. Nice performence against Rage @Fs, grats on the win tough Rage, was expected.

  12. I just asked who you are, and you still haven't answered Cx.
  13. I just asked who you are, prob a random but you didn't answer my question.
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