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Official Duke

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Status Updates posted by Official Duke

  1. Duke is here. Welcome me on my intro topic. I will make sharkbrew great again.

  2. Hey Tannie you big talking basement dwelling nobody let's say we 1v1. Bet you drop like a little bitch.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Official Duke

      Official Duke

      I am the fucking Duke. Sit.

    3. Leen
    4. Official Duke

      Official Duke

      Not even mad just want to see if this pussy is all talk or not :)

  3. How about no leaking? Just go out in the spirit of the game and fight. Runescape has become too much about leaking, flaming and childish bullbrown sticky stuff. It won't change but a man can dream.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Colton1
    3. Official Duke

      Official Duke

      I know it has been, but seems like it's a lot worse now than it ever was in old pre EOC days.


      Just my thoughts though lads.

    4. Kevv


      yeah, no leaks sounds like a grear idea, cos leaders are so cooperative and will set up fights willingly with other leaders!

  4. How's that closing topic coming along Fs? Let's face it, talking brown sticky stuff at the ss has always been your thing anyways. No disrespect in knowing that your reign is over :)

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Aaronn


      Or you could give us p2p action on your lpc accounts? seeming we are both lpcs lmfao

    3. Aaronn


      Only reason your saying 110cb is because on your LPC accounts you know you cant win :P we prep you in f2p with p2p stats legit got 0 excuse.

    4. trump


      or because lpc accs p2p is cancer

  5. I feel I need to make a public statement. I will not accept your offer of Warlord/Main Caller at FS. Stop pming me Tannie and other ranks, I am flattered by the offer but will stay at IV and I feel it would be unfair on your members to auto rank me to that position! Ty for the offer though.

  6. Is the LPC combat cap really going to 83? Might as well just bring back MPC.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Official Duke

      Official Duke

      I don't want it at 83! I blame everyone else.



    3. Leen


      Blame your broccolied ranks who lie to their members about clans agreeing on going 83 when they didnt LOL

    4. Official Duke

      Official Duke

      I am purely asking if this is a thing or not. I think 83 combat cap for lpc would just create total cancer.

  7. Join 'Vector cc' for a new snipe squad, levels 55-58. We aim to be competitive and guarantee good action.

  8. Merry Christmas from Duke and the clan at Invictus. Join us for a ripper 2017 ahead! :)

  9. Terror come out and prep us.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. ChrisKush


      Pipe up Invictus after your 5th Daddy ! Merging with every clan until you can compete GL

    3. ChrisKush


      You say you want action and no flame But look at your justin beiber midweek topics flaming fs for nearly a month.. You did this to yourself

    4. Official Duke

      Official Duke

      Seeing as Fs have repeatedly hacked our forums, leaked our ts and gone after us in a lot of completely dishonorable ways, you're lucky you get preps or any respect at all to be fair!

  10. When is the terror and Fs merge happening? Lol.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Shadows


      It is actually quite sad you embrace not being in your own capes even when there are clans with your matched opts basically. But returning to the main topic, you are now contradicting yourself asking me how did we do, in our own clan capes. Well I feel like we did well, but doesn't your original sentence make fun of T/Fs for teaming? Yet you now embrace having been in 1 capes with 2 other clans.

    3. Shife


      usain bolt u proud to b a slave to estonians lahmaooo wat da fuk nigga said how did staying in your own capes go. xdxdxdxdxdxd iv ded doom ded

    4. Cody9204


      fs did this to you nigga lmao

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