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A Wet Tissue

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Everything posted by A Wet Tissue

  1. The vid is unavailable. thanks for the fights tho doom
  2. Good job doom, we had some great fights, although down a few numbers (around 5-7) we got out performed. none the less we still put up a fight i enjoyed it Where was olympiss??? couldnt pull lmfao
  3. A Wet Tissue


    Lol im silver 1 still
  4. down 10. lvl 70s vs 100s. broccoli. u got brown sticky stuff on by an lpc. what a joke
  5. we lost 2 people the first round, and they're still wayyy higher combat
  6. Hey grats on beating a clan up 20 avg combat levels, sure is accomplishing something ya know. being an hpc fighting lpc's. u must be so good
  7. Olympus fucking sucks lmfao shoutout to rd for losing to level 70s
  8. What about the first fight when u got slammed by an lpc l0l its 1-1 we lost legit 3 people the first round
  9. whoever said lol is a dead game.. wut u on about m8 67 million players a month owned by a multi billion dollar company with a thriving professional scene... plus its fun and addicting. i played hots a little and i like league a lot better
  10. They aren't fake wins we had a pull 15-20 higher than you anyways lmfao. CD hit you in our capes in 1 fight, we fought 6 times. You're blinded by pride for your clan
  11. brown sticky stuff clan, It's so hilarious to see that Fi is this bad now considering they were #2 p2p and #1 f2p just a year ago lmfao
  12. 1:50-2:07 in the first vid, is having 20 people running north away from fo really what you call dominating the fight?
  13. M8 i don't think you were here a year ago were you. First off sv had a consistent 70 pull for longer than 8 months, and secondly sv isnt called most hated for no reason dumbass. we're gonna smash your clan like we did today every single weekend until you close
  14. you say that like it's a bad thing that we pull high lol. anyways, gj panic
  15. It's just too easy to bully brown sticky stuff clans
  16. you didn't get the picture in the middle of the trip though, that's the thing. if you did it was during a channel hop. we had 56+ for most of the trip
  17. It's our cape lol. we did 2v1 op without meaning to at the beginning of the trip, but that was it.
  18. that was legit 1 fight u fucking tomato. u got clapped 5 times lmfao who cares if they crashed once and were so confused they just attacked you. stay mad
  19. you realize that we did actually have 57 in ts?? that picture of 48 is from late in the trip, when we didn't have that much in game. keep making excuses as to why you lost so hard
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