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Posts posted by puppyslush

  1. The only thing that still stands out to me as unreasonable is this. 

    • Ignoring/forfeiting a declaration will result in a 3 point penalty from final COTM score <-- We felt that auto DQ from COTM and WCOTM was too harsh. In the past 2 COTMs, The 3 clans with the highest points in the last 2 COTMs were within 3 points of each other and thus this point penalty should be suffice in tipping the balance.


    There shouldn't be a largely harsh punishment for ignoring a declaration because some clans can't pull/will never fight a specific clan for whatever reason (please refrain from replying with repetitive comments about current clanning situations in terms of prepping one another). The notable reason is the can't pull/different tiers in quality. If Unbreakable declared on AAO, more or less AAO will ignore because of A, pulls and B, it's Unbreakable (quality difference tends to be largely different). 


    Maybe there should be a harsh-ish penalty for clans that are considered high tier and ignoring, however when it's two clans on completely different levels it seems rather harsh to penalize that much.


    That's why i reduce minimum opt from 50% of ml to 40%.


    If you cant scrape 40% of your ml or 20 people, you shouldn't be open.


    Ignoring while going ahead to farm other clans for wins should not be an option at all

  2. https://www.sharkbrew.com/community/index.php?/topic/30907-new-declaration-rules/


    The new rules supersede the previous changes and applies to all declarations posted after the 17th



    Key highlights:


    • Minimum opt for the fight must be 20v20 or 40% of smaller clan's memberlist(whichever is higher) <-- Down from 50%
    • Clans are given 2 weeks to respond to the declaration.
    • Opponents shall provide a screenshot of their memberlist if necessary or else it will count as a ignore/forfeit.
    • Clans can only declare twice(1 P2P/1 F2P) per week(every Monday 00:00 EST to Sunday 23:59 EST) against clans they had not declared on before in that month. This means clans can make up to a maximum of 8 declarations per month. <-- Clans can only declare against the same clan twice, 1 p2p 1 f2p
    • Declaring clan receives full COTM points equivalent to a 3-0 fight for ignored declarations. <-- You will receive COTM according to the opts declared, e.g. +2 for 40v40, etc. Do note that all anti prep farming point deduction apply so if you prepped a clan more than twice in a month, you shouldn't declare on them in the last 2 weeks.
    • Ignoring/forfeiting a declaration will result in a 3 point penalty from final COTM score <-- We felt that auto DQ from COTM and WCOTM was too harsh. In the past 2 COTMs, The 3 clans with the highest points in the last 2 COTMs were within 3 points of each other and thus this point penalty should be suffice in tipping the balance.
  3. No overs? 70 cb?

    So maxed accounts in xlpc -




    This puts me off even getting involved now


    Should be 65-cb- without overs or 70cb with overs imo.


    It will be 65 cb based memberlist average. We understand that clans do have a couple of 70+, the need to maintain the 65 ml average should force them to recruit more 60s/55s to compensate

  4. but everyone know eop was behind it all, yet i don't see eop being banned for hacking a gatekeeper


    If i am running this site based on rumors and fabrications, i would have banned sv 3 years ago.

  5. hypocritical


    remember when you banned Don for hacking Lenin for 300m? 


    Now you promoted Parm, who doxed Andre and called his work and got him fired. 

    Andre was gatekeeper of sharkbrew, where is justice?


    I actually asked andre is anything happened, and he refused to divulge anything.

  6. Let's kick sv founder ???? Logic


    Yes. Many clans have kicked their founders or created a new clan to rid toxic leaders, unless you are implying all the SV members are just as toxic as hittin

  7. Wasn't p Tom counselor


    Pretty sure he's one of the few ppl that help this site grow at the very beginning


    I don't get it sv representative ??


    But we're not allowed to post aftermaths???


    We don't rly give a fuck about the previous brown sticky stuff hittin did, but kick hittin and tell him to stop cracking passes of the community and we will let u guys back into humanity

  8. * Hulk ([email protected]) has joined

    * ChanServ gives voice to Hulk

    <slushpuppy> ah Hulk

    <slushpuppy> can u visit the homepage

    <Hulk> on sb?

    <Hulk> i have today

    <slushpuppy> try now

    <slushpuppy> does anything load for u

    <Hulk> yeah

    <Hulk> it all does

    <slushpuppy> Hulk, nothing unusual?

    <Hulk> i havent tried clicking on the links tho

    <slushpuppy> like background music?

    <Hulk> i heard the music the first time

    <slushpuppy> ok good

    <slushpuppy> what music was it Hulk

    <Hulk> ngl dont remember exactly but was patriotic

    <slushpuppy> LOOOOOOOOOL


  9. Why do you care about this much about mains all of the sudden? EOP been openly bringing mains for years and you didn't do brown sticky stuff. Now that they're getting bullied by them you remove SV from sharkbrew, you make a useless reddit post about needing Jagex's help to remove mains from the pure community. Just stop lmao.


    Please check the number of times EOP has been disputed and have had their topics locked and removed. If I played runescape back then, sure I would have tried getting something setup in game.


    We're doing the pure community a favour, we haven't hit a single clan with our mains besides eom.


    • You only just opened.
    • How come your mains have perfect levels for hitting pures at CA?
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