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EoP Public Relations

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Everything posted by EoP Public Relations

  1. Our clan pulled 110+ before having clans close into us, you can use that excuse all you want but your clan is still dying. (I'll also point out we only inherited members from those closing clans who were experienced, and would rather hang themselves before joining FI on life support) You closed to re-open to 50 man pulls, everyone in your clan knows your leadership is made of spineless cowards. Hell everyone in the pure community knows it. It must feel bad being in the worse clan in the community, that vomits propaganda like a politician.
  2. Nah mate, I believe you have April the first confused for your Anniversary date May 21st. Not surprising that you don't remember it considering you pulled 50 people. I'd probably eat your socks if my clan was out-pulled x3 on an anniversary that was hyped up for 2 months.
  3. While we're discussing possible meetups your clan is dying. While we're discussing it openly on public boards, you're wasting your time trying to turn it into banter (Which is awful btw) While we 3-0 SV and CD, you are sleeping probably having nightmares of EoP Your clan is pathetic, you are pathetic. FYI an EoP meetup would be legit, and no one would give a flying fuck about runescape at the time.
  4. Looking forward to a fighting against a clan that won't tele on sight of EoP. (Foe) I like a good challenge.
  5. Imagine settling for #2 in your bracket
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