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Chesty Puller

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Everything posted by Chesty Puller

  1. LOL eop got the dick today. Sucks that they just reopened...what did I say??? Back to ZU
  2. LOL why does EOP always have to bring up some negative brown sticky stuff on any clan's topic that did better than them. Stop trying to stay relevant omfg.
  3. Tell your members to tone down on that flame brown sticky stuff. Annoying as fuck.
  4. Yo dawgs. The red summer is coming mayn. LT has the best quality no lie

  5. Pretty much man. Tell solo to come on by and I'll teach him how to avoid coming slumps.
  6. I dunno man. I heard those George Foreman grills were HOT. CwutIded
  7. If Georgie is a grill....and georgie is the girl name for george...George Foreman is that you?
  8. Let's see if you can take the wilderness from olympus. (Olympus stronk though)
  10. LOL I totally saw doom and imperial walking olympus to single together. CV ofcourse focuses on OP anytime they crash and imperial wants to prove they're the better clan by focusing OP as well. Not necessarily teaming...but CV and IMP are focusing OP for their own reasons.
  11. Jamz does want that promo.
  12. Such newbundle of twigs brown sticky stuff. @@nick_hamilton shut this brown sticky stuff down.
  13. Outbreak but to entertain I'd say FI's p2p unit in 2012 On Battlescape probably TLP when they were there or the unit...maybe...
  14. Yeah ikr boi. I need to get on dat naruto brown sticky stuff frealz
  15. Damn olympus is always so consistent with the ownage no lie.
  16. brown sticky stuffty people, brown sticky stuff clan, go die.
  17. To make bundle of twigsgots like you quote me.
  18. Fuck off lol. I just find it very sad that solo assigns you guys to these forums to spread propaganda and spread your influence LOL. FOE's the #1 clan and even before that you were only #1 in F2p LOL stop lying to yourselves. Yeah, #1 at propaganda, like that's something to be proud of LOL.
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