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Everything posted by pkerowner666

  1. Find someone who isn't completely broccolied in this community to run PCL and it might work.
  2. Was a good trip. Also was nice to finally be down in numbers, but still we give a good fight. Gf Fi and Eop
  3. lol can't gwas someone if they clear you...
  4. they got steamrolled by Au.... lol stop while you're ahead
  5. I wasn't aware that CP even had a history....
  6. my fellow Zenithians lost their way :/
  7. Pretty sure no one cares what you think. Stop trying to change times like little bitches. Times were set since Lpc, if you don't like it then go out alone at 3:30
  8. pkerowner666


    Sadly we can't become more intelligent with the anchor that Religion holds on our society. To some, there is no need to learn about what else is out there because "god" gives us all the answers. Sorry but I cannot believe we are the only planet out there like this, even if there is a "god" that created all of this. Plus the bible is a fairytale book
  9. pkerowner666


    too long to read
  10. 4est Sunday p2p stop doing it on friday
  11. God man I miss botting :/ Use to just run mining bot to make money overnight. 2m a night OP. Plus I miss my Soulwars bot
  12. I couldn't give any fucks... sorry
  13. sorry but if you have over 20 def you're a failed pure. hell at one time it was nice to think 2 defense was a failed pure
  14. another pointless topic
  15. LOL this nature guy is worse then Zu members, and that's saying something...
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