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Jorgito Gutiérrez

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Everything posted by Jorgito Gutiérrez

  1. its almost 2015 who the fuck cares? ot: was fun. #1 pure clan stay mad fgts!
  2. the pc gunna die in 2015 nigga
  3. Edited the #2 and #4 spot for F2P Those days EOP fought MM 100v100 the entire year of 2011 were sick.
  4. F2P 1. Mayhem Makers - MM has always been up there, and nobody will match what they have accomplished in F2P due to there consistency, pre pvp days as well as now they've always been pretty consistent. 2. Eruption Of Pures - Only clan that could give Mm a fight in F2p for years, A fullout beetween EOP and MM woulda been good. Took #1 from FI in 07. Then Bh came out and then pcl. Eop were never too hot during those times. After DP closed in like 2009 Eop began to get a pretty solid staff and has obviously been pretty dominate since then with their new staff. Lets be real now, that mclovin guy and um y0 daddy l0l are nothing compared to goop and those other lads. One of the best matched clans with Foe,TLP and CP. 3. Fatality - They had a pretty good slump during 2009-2011. Their state now, and the little bursts of activity pushes them beyond FOE and CP's accomplishments. #1 from 06 - 07. Took a slapping in Bh by CP. Only won PCL due to numbers. TH officials took over which began a long slump. Putting it back together now. 4. Final Ownage Elite - The reason why I am not putting Foe above Fi, is that I think Fi has just edged them due to the fact that what Fi accomplished during there peak was far greater than Foe in F2P. However i'm quite unsure about this one since Fi has slumped for 3 years whilst FOE stayed consistent juggling #1 with MM during the slump days of Fatality. 5. Corrupt Pures - For longevity and decent memories, has won many full outs and managed to pull 100+ a few weeks in row in early 10. Was #1 in Bh Crator, #2 in PCL, #1 Again in Chain69 era. Always top 3 f2p matched. 6. Epidemic - Epidemic in it's prime was the quickest rising to the top the community ever seen, Had the SICKESTS fights EVER to be on a F2P Saturday trip...earns the #6 spot on my list. 7. The Last Pures - They used to be not so hot in f2p probably because they didn't give a **** about it. If Tlp always cared about f2p they would probably be in the top 3 of all time. 8. Destructive Pures 9. Intense Redemption 10. Enemy/Control 11. The Hatred 12. Devastation 13. Malice/Zenith 14. The Golden Gods/Against All Odds/Calamity 15. Exiled Force/Hostility/Chaotic/Exclusive/Complete Domination P2P 1. Final Ownage Elite - No question. For the longest time the only clan that could consistently compete was Hf. 2. Mayhem Makers - For the most part the only clan that could compete with Foe. Managed to win a round in their full out which is impressive. 5. Fatality - That loss to FOE 74-91 I believe was huge to the middle part of your history, what if you won. Meh would have been the opposite maybe you would be #1 P2P and have been MM's biggest rival, you will have to settle for top 3 in this ranking. 4. The Last Pures - While very inconsistent with pulls, they've always been a solid clan. Every once in awhile they would pull really high for a month or two and take #1 5. Eruption of Pures - Were pretty terrible until they started doing joint trips with Pot which really seemed to help them out. Have been a pretty decent P2P clan ever since. 6. CPR/Carnage (Had a huge rivalry back in 09 fueling both clans) 7. Intense Redemption/Devastation 8. Destructive Pures/Corrupt Pures 9. Zenith/Tribulation/Havoc/Pures Of Today 10. New Pure Order/Outrage/Control/We Are Royalty All time 1. Mayhem Makers 2. Final Ownage Elite 3. Fatality 4. Eruption of Pures 5. Corrupt Pures/The Last Pures 6. Epidemic 7. Destructive Pures 8. The Hatred 9. Intense Redemption 10. Control
  5. 1.Mayhem Makers 2.Eruption Of Pures 3.Fatality 4.Final Ownage Elite 5.Corrupt Pures 6.Epidemic 7.The Last Pures 8.Destructive Pures 9.Enemy 10.The Hatred 11.Devastation 12.Intense Redemption 13.Zenith 14.Control 15.The Golden Gods 16.Against All Odds 17.Calamity
  6. f2p takes skill p2p doesnt f2p will always be the best by far
  7. mm hates eop more than fi and foe members are bad lol
  8. whoever has more booters wins just like pre-eoc
  9. Fi - still #1 EOP - mains. the only way they can compete - CP - made a comeback, pretty much dicked zu/sup the past 3 weekends ZU/RD - dunno SUP idk they talked brown sticky stuff to cp but pulledl ike 25 today BV LT
  10. This. And yes its the old MA, they were pretty bad.
  11. it doesnt show everyone.. its a glitch moron
  12. by the vids, doesnt look like they got fucked? lol every eop main there sniping you lmao, gj fi
  13. cp vs eop f2p fullout cp vs ex+cd 45vs60 cp vs cy 23 vs 37 cp vs dp 70vs70 fights http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEKjyu5kpEc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDNdJ_pEGaQ
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