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Killer of Clans

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Posts posted by Killer of Clans

  1. 1 minute ago, half of you are delusional said:

    oh yes thank you for confirming that cd most definitely could not compete with the mighty unbreakable clan and was forced to close and reopen in another pure clanning bracket 

    while cd reopened in another pure bracket and thrive, ub was closed by eop in hpc, reopened in lpc and closed by cd l000l

  2. 39 minutes ago, Shadows said:

    This topic has been quite the read. I am not really in favor of seeing an xlpc tank clan but as long as it never disrupt PURE on PURE action then I don't see a problem to it. Anyone is allowed to create clans/move scenes. Their target is mains and there are many mains in the scene which could use a few droppings.

    What about someone who's target is a clan who dox's and uses mains? Are clans who bring mains more scummy than clans who willingly take rivalries out of the game and leak real life information?

  3. 3 hours ago, Brad said:

    Actually you didn't create brown sticky stuff lol. xLPC didn't have any community help until maybe May of last year and we have been doing xLPC way before that. So don't say you created xLPC because you didn't.


    3 hours ago, GENOCIDE LEADER said:

    You did not create anything l0l you are a owner of a site that barely helps the pure scene and "xlpc" has been here way before your time

    If I remember correctly shortly after the xlpc scene was created @slushpuppeh tried to get involved and control it and they told him to fuck off l000l slush is just salty his terrible help wasn't needed and all he could do was host a website

  4. 11 minutes ago, slushpuppeh said:

    How can we cater to LPCs when they don't want to prep each other, crash each other fights and generally be utter douchebags with no real objective in mind?

    A while back we told Danny to try organize a meeting to create an honor code but he was shouted down as usual

    Only in your minds would telling Danny (FOM leader who supported FOM doxing) to organize a meeting to create an honor code be a good idea l0l


    18 minutes ago, slushpuppeh said:

    don't forget that i coined and created "xlpc"

    Even though you didn't create the xlpcs, why does trying to get recognition for it matter? Sounds like an ego issue there. The clans that opened as xlpcs created "xlpc" lmao gloryhunter the only thing you created was a website that you can barely keep under control

  5. 11 minutes ago, Tyendinaga said:

    we decided to go kill afk mains at xlpc trips. as you can see clans that bring mains r upset

    That's what they all say lol you just want to snipe cd and fs because they closed your brown sticky stuff clan ub l0l

  6. 17 minutes ago, Pigwrestler7 said:

    Yeah sure a ‘dying’ game might be entirely out of your control but there are things in EOP’s control that they could definitely sort the fuck out to help the situation.

    dude why do you think EOP are punishing FOM rn l0l FOM are going around doxing and bringing mains so EOP are retaliating with 50+ mains until FOM clean up their act and remove the doxers. There were 0 mains before FOM doxing and nobody complained, now FOM dox lol

    Cleaning up the scene is very simple but @holydreams would rather FOM be a doxing clan lol

  7. 8 minutes ago, Best Fortnite Player NA said:

    eop try to constantly fight foe every single weekend regardless of fom's pull.  Instead, Foe would rather hide from eop and crash smaller clan fights to inflate their ego''s.  You tell me which clan is cancer?

    dont forget FOM teleing when EOP rushed FOMs loc every time lol and ending when FOM couldnt move any lower than the wildy ditch

    Talk about cancer lol

  8. 2 hours ago, Simba said:


    CD was only bringing some mains accounts in order to kill scouts, and never used that on xlpc scene until some core CD member noticed that rival clans are using some of them to camp our Pures.

    Example : Yesterday we was going to use mains account when we saw Envy massing spot with mains accounts level 60s combat. But when envy ended and we was looking to fight Doom + OB, we only kept our pures online.

    If you want to have fair fights, be fair, don't be swamp rats like Envy.

    respect, if everyone thought like that the scenes would be a lot better.

    It's just like EOP bringing mains to kill fom for doxing until fom respect their agreement to have no out of game tactics and eop will use 0 mains.

    It's a simple decision but clan pride gets in the way...

  9. 3 hours ago, Tyendinaga said:

    if i recall correctly cd was a prime instigator of mains in the corp hill mpc battles, and especially so in cd's attempts vs unbreakable. UB might i add did not use any mains whatsoever. 

    an unfortunate discord leak is also not an official topic, I would encourage you to understand this and also attempt to resolve your disputes with Fearless with as little main usage as possible..though your lack of desire to do so may be why we are here. 

    lmfao my dude just tried to make a curveball to excuse him officially creating a tank team to snipe cd and fs on weekends LMFAO

    This loser @Tyendinaga is just salty that @TBR closed his beloeved ub clan and he wants revenge l00l now that cd closed it already he's trying to play it off like it never happened ahahahaha


    edit: tfw during march-january where EOP brought 0 mains, ub brought mains to try and snipe them l000l and still got closed by eop and cd

  10. 59 minutes ago, ibro said:

    pking is dead because no one wants to fight mains....

    lets think who brings mains hmmm.. :rolleyes:

    fom lol wow...


    4 hours ago, Tyendinaga said:

     whooo boy you should have been to the last meeting 

    the last meeting where you got @holydreams to mediate the discussion for FOM doxing EOP and EOP bringing mains in retaliation? No brown sticky stuff it wasn't good lol holydreams got smoked because he himself supported the doxing and refused to remove those who did it l000l

    The brains of sharkbrew ranks man, getting the perpetrator to mediate l0l

  11. The scene is fine just EOP needs to make sure FOM stop doxing and bringing mains, then it'll be back to what it was March-January where EOP had 0 mains and all the clans EOP killed/closed like ub keep claiming mains as an excuse as to why they died

    Such a simple solution but losers would rather accept doxing over 0 mains sniping them and good competitive wildy fights l00l

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