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Posts posted by RUTHLESS

  1. 34 minutes ago, pr0digy jr said:

    bruh everyone knows eop uses mains.. every clan uses 4-6 mains eop just uses a bit more... dont say foe doesnt use any mains i was there on the p2p trip 2 sundays ago with all the outburst niggas you guys had 2-3 mains while eop had 10 in both cases you both still used mains...

    everyone knows foe is better then eop so stop spamming forums about this dumb shit 

    you guys are killing the pure community with this dumb shit its just a game and get a life outside rs you fuck

    I'm ashamed to think you were even in ob.. you legit werent even active.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Apex Shooter said:

    You are literally nothing wym let this slide LOOOOOL pussy ass nigga keep getting sat at events retard

    Lmao you idiots pull 40 on every sat and fight fi.. and peak 75 on sundays... You're ranks beg for ob to join Apex and we kyp them.. rolf.  Keep talking my friend. You're going to get your clan killed..

  3. 23 minutes ago, Apex Shooter said:

    Pkeru you’re literally the biggest pussy I’ve ever met and I’m a slave? LOOOL Even the foe members don’t even like you dumb dog bark for me 

    Lmao damn my dude. You become a full on slave. Hahahaha. Wow I feel sorry for you son. Keep piping up. Il let you slide this time but you'll regret dilloannnnn lmao

  4. 3 hours ago, Green Arrow said:

    "I Bet the Outburst Kids are Enjoying  Railing EOP+Turmoil+Rot"



    Indeed Sir we did.... Btw I like your topic.... Wait Somebody link it, seem to have misplaced it. @WarChild@Warbow@Stewbert@Broxxx Thoughts lads?

    warbow isn't in foe lmfaoooooo anywho. they actually spam something about OB being bored? you idiots. we never get bored of killing your shit clan

    speak up doggies @Parm @Satans @17_ @debb 

    be scared boys. yall shook af. stay easy

  5. Lmao show me screenshot of teamspeak channel. Lmao eop propaganda to its fullest. 


    Imagine being eop rn

    Lmao foe had match numbers? Idiot we peak at 95 lmao you werent even close

    Nice try tho

    Btw as a OB member we condemn mains why would we join a clan that uses mains. If you believe anything this retards say kys.

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