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Posts posted by Bbm

  1. Every Sunday between 3-4PM in w334 they will be announcing a world for the open CW events being held and although most trips are held at this time they are willing to look into the time zone situation in the next coming weeks to give more time for clans to finish their trips to attend.


    Week 1: 8/12/2018 W69 4PM EST - Castle wars wall

  2. 3 hours ago, Kye said:

    Always wondered how you get involved in the scene

    Well now it's usually through world 334. I'd call it random that the community sometimes groups up to just randomly play in 334, but there are some people I'd call amb's for CWC that consistently play CW in 334 and sometimes watch out for standouts that could be useful (mainly main) but there has been a few pures to cross through and entirely make mains for it (if that option suits you). I'm not sure if you've ever seen 10+ people in full Arma+Max in castle wars ever, but that's them and at any time asking them is a good opportunity. 

    Another way is going to the wars which they hold (2-5) a week and just watching and getting to know the community, this in turn can help you decide what clan you might be interested to join because some of the greats are scattered throughout them all.

  3. 16 minutes ago, Lionel said:

    Im subscribed to your channel and am aware of your forums. Never got into it because i find the forums non-user friendly. if theres a team who wants to take me along for a game of castle wars id gladly come, is it always in max or are there budget capped fights aawell? Max gear on the main is a bit hefty haha

    I don't think clans will just let you jump in without applying first because it's a scheduled war, but what I recommend is talk to a few of the people in the community and figure out when they might be doing sort of speak "mini's" essentially small 3v3, 4v4, 5v5's when there are people on TS or something and try to gain experience that way they see what your flaws might be in the game and give you tips of (do's/don'ts). 

    Capped games sometimes happen, where as you can not have higher than 100 mage bonus when on the defending team. Sometimes there's capped fights when speaking about certain gear (pre 07), now I have never been a part of a def-cap game but I wouldn't be opposed to it if the community was asked if they wanted it. The only problem is once you're under 20 def, it's harder to find the proper gear with maximum mage def potential to score.

  4. CWC youtube:

    (Top plays, best games, and actual gameplay to learn)


    When wars usually occur between clans it can be POV through here.


    405: The best CWar of all time with most tickets in (EOC) and second most on (07).


    Frog: One of the greatest two way CWars.


    Teale: One of the greatest scorers of all time.


    Each of these individuals are highly knowledgeable and can help out any individual that does not understand a certain part of CW, whether it be mechanics, strategy or just general information.

  5. cwc_banner_black.png&key=47bbd6cb885e6bf

    The Castle wars Community has been a sometimes big and sometimes small group of individuals that enjoy competing in this minigame. For roughly 10 years the community has been alive for the most apart with around 50 active competitive players as of right now. I see this as an opportunity for some people in the pure community who enjoy the game of CW to step up their fundamentals outside of primary PVP.


    I'd like to personally invite anyone and everyone who would like to learn about Castle wars, whether it be history, strategy or just basics. Along with @Dc8, we hope to bring new light into Sharkbrew by including the Castle Wars Community in it. Although we have forums, we do not use them because they are out dated, although we do have clan discords, and the main discord. Feel free to join it whenever and say you're from Sharkbrew. There are a few clans in which you can join if this opportunity interests you.

    This is the information you need to reach out to the Castle wars community so far.



    Discord: Dc#4958


    There are rules when it comes to being in the community, so be sure to follow them when trying to learn and actually play castle wars. I warn you, if you do try and troll in competitive games, you will be turned down from the opportunity to actually play in 20v20's and above when events occur.

    Basic instructional video on Castle wars:

     If there's any questions about anything in particular don't hesitate to ask Dc8 or I.

  6. On 7/23/2018 at 5:41 AM, Acid said:

    :spit: on you random idiot 

    You're literally the weirdest person ever man. You rep Ruin but everyone thought you were cringe.. You Rep FI, then leave after getting flamed before joining AAO, then left AAO back for FI because you cried about it. Literally stop it man, you're acting cringe.

    Seek help or just stop flaming people moron.

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