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Misfits Sucks

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  1. Lmao @Zee clan broken again fucking dumbass shouldn't of claimed to hack a fi rank.. he can't do shit himself either which is the funniest part about this. He threatens people but can't do anything hahahaha he got someone to recover an account and claimed misfits was big hacker clan!! lmao im already in your leaderboards zee watch fi forums soon... hahahahaha!
  2. Lmao yeah unlike every other clan that closes once they start slumping (tlp,eop,foe) all done it once they start slumping so its less noticable.
  3. Fatality was untouchable from 2012-end of 2014 lol.. no clan has done what fatality has done during those years. Losing 0 fights in 2014. Fi doesnt struggle with misfits lmao.. they claimed to have hacked our member and now fi is killing them. Not sure whats hard to understand? but i suppose you in outburst whatever explains it.. not even sure what that is but whatever Also fi is the only clan to ever beat foe in a fullout and did that 3 times (fairly) lmao.. while some clans had to cheat by bringing tlp/invites/mm/ddossing
  4. Damn @Dynamic @Schweden @Elve @The Executioner @Jay @Dimitri it seems like we really triggered @Zee last night by clearing him 4 times.. so much that he has to put up a losing POV from last Sunday LMAO!! Damn man.. misfits has nothing on us you're literally trying to post dumb shit on your forums trying to hype it up. Lmao we have a big surprise coming this sunday.. going to be worse than russias nukes BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM GONA WITH MISFITS HAHAHAHAAHAHAHA 4-0 this week already u dumb ugly motherfucker LOLOL
  5. I was honestly waiting aswell since they usually ALWAYS post a topic even when they lose.. guess they got slammed waaay 2 hard today and they still 2 shook to make one..
  7. Hmm this is not the case.. watch all our videos you can see more than 5 misfits dying.. and even then theyre still misfits that are deaaaaaad AAAAAAAAAH BRO DEAD MISFITS.. one event/week soon damn......... haha we got 80 people already signed for sunday glglgll
  8. Wooow!! We are both lucky to be in Fatality and not misfits then haha!
  9. LOL! i cannot imagine that as im in Fatality and see alot of topics of the clan im in are up! haha!
  10. wow! where are the topics from misfits? i only see fatality topics!!! AAah grats fatality keep winning haha!
  11. No sir! You clearly dont have intel since 1 you don't know it only took us 5 mins to mass 20 people to kill 20 misfits and 2 you didn't see us coming 4 times today.. work on those leaks
  12. It took us 5 mintues to kill 20+- misfits today! Wowowow! Where are the misfits topics from today? 4-0 BANG BANG LMAO
  13. This is not true, lol! Get bullied misfits damn.. not looking good 4-0 for fatality today haha!
  14. Really is poor members cant pk when they want
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