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Everything posted by m0saic

  1. gf sry for only doing 1 set we woulda done more but some ppl were trolling
  2. Website | Discord: https://discord.gg/DyM2t6c | Clan World Voted: Most Athletic and Best Looking Members In the 25v25 F2P RI we got matched with Clan Europe. We kept a lead through the whole first round and then made a big comeback r2 with a few good tanks. Thanks for the fight CE. Round 1: Round 2:
  3. pretty confused, who was cocky and flaming in Pups? This is our 3rd pure fight ever obviously we don't think we're the best yet, our pures aren't even done lmao. Thanks for the practice Apex.
  4. damn our pures on main game aren't even done, not tryna beef. Just wanted to post to get some more action.
  5. i can already tell im gonna like the pure scene with fire like this
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