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Everything posted by liamwalshy

  1. Don't want the poofta Aussies anyway, sikkunt requirement.
  2. ur not Australian if ur dogging ur mates in Zerg Unit, that's real talk m8. Fun trip, get out of single and off ur mains bundle of twigsgots
  3. Me and Iced havoc opened a f2p team late 2k5 and then found Pure Community, which then led to us finding TH/TD. also Z0mZ0m was a broccoli
  4. Goodluck to Authority, if Woonskep's there you guys might go #1 haha..
  5. Lead by Piers, Tom-n-eto and Iced Havoc were members and actively post on the site. + a dozen of ex-malice members that are active members of Zerg Unit. We even had fuken Rang3rElmo mate. Peters a gronk so who cares about him. Nobody in Malice liked ya mate they're all kicken it in the clan you've been flaming for 2 months. Sry Jonty
  6. Forgot to add that if memberlists could be properly monitored for these events they will work, there is no reason for clans not to want to compete and take the #1 ranking if there's no holes in the system. Clans exist to beat each other, need a proper ranking system asap.
  7. Aren't Supremacy + Zerg Unit only just over 4 months old? Ya must be stoned as brown sticky stuff if you think you were brown sticky stuffting on us until a month ago. You beat them in the first few preps and then lost to them twice and got slumped and haven't accepted a prep from us since, we ask you weekly for 95- combat cap preps and you decline. Zenith closed in between your Saturday and Sunday trips, Zenith is made up of 4x brown sticky stuff clans that you flamed when you first opened and now you are welcoming them with open arms so you can compete for a week or two You are only pulling that high because you had a clan "close" into you, and another team join you for your trips. That's cool, what were you pulling when Zerg Unit pulled 48 a few weekends back? Why are you trying to pull 50 to compete with FI/EOP/CP when you struggle to compete with us +5? Close ples
  8. Would be interested in seeing something that all the clans actually participate in to see who's the best, not sure this idea quite hits it but you have the right idea.
  9. Was fun, thanks to LT and DR for fighting us. Close already CV
  10. There are one or two clans with 90% of their memberlist under 90 or so combat, the rest have a few 100s and a majority are level 70/80. Fatality have more 100's than every LPC's memberlist, how/why the fuck would would any of the LPC/MPC's waste their time trying to fight that on the weekend? If you guys want, get another 60 defence levels and compete in the main clanning world. You're closer to them than we are to you. I have seen EOP prepping a few MPC's and nearly all of EOP's members are 100+ combat, why wouldn't they make new 70-80 combat accounts and compete with the rest of the MPC's? These 100's aren't Pures and they aren't fun to fight as a 1 defence level 75 Pure which is what is left in this game outside of your 4 HPC Clans. All of you tomatos saying train up, I don't expect any member to go get 99 Prayer and 30 Defence like the rest of you, is that what you all think Pure Clanning should be like or what? The MPC scene has gone better then everyone expected and can keep going strong as long as clans aren't scared to fight out opted sometimes, every clan has their bad weekends with wins and loses, it's not all about an undefeated weekend and a flashy topic on this forum nobody reads.
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