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Everything posted by Amenuh

  1. Even if they are an "LPC" (They're really not an lpc LMFAO) losing no1 in a fight that big in magnitude is very impressive. Good job redemption and hopefully olympus can stop classifying themselves as an lpc lmao
  2. You lost because a carrot like you are clearly not capable of being a rank
  3. Zu took the win with ease, nice job zerglings!
  4. Hpcs are moving down to lpc times within 30 days

    1. Eeekaj


      stop repeating things i say on ts on here fs

    2. pop


      isnt 80% of lpc in hpc?

    3. Sharkbrew Legend
  5. Looking forward to this, if it is real. Hell, i might even make an acc and join
  6. Fatalitys failed attempt at gaining some hype. I mean brown sticky stuff, how do you lose when fo has no ts LOL
  7. l000l rd nearly perfected them l00l massers lmfa0000000 r0f
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