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Everything posted by JoJo

  1. Would like to see what you guys could do with a bigger pull. Good job anyways and thanks for the fights Zu.
  2. Teaming with SV and still getting dicked.. expected. brown sticky stuff clans do brown sticky stuff things.
  3. This list is actually laughable. Good troll man.
  4. GJ zerglings, gz on 6 months and hopefully u stick around longer =p
  5. I just started crying i laughter. PLEASE tell me this is a troll or a bad joke.
  6. looked easy as brown sticky stuff
  7. The actual leaders need to come together and talk about this.. have a vote etc. Personally my vote is to switch to 3:30 est but that doesn't mean brown sticky stuff because i can't make that decision so leaders get off your ass and actually discuss this together as it seems a lot of people want to change.
  8. Will see you 3:30 Est. I love it boys.
  9. Excited to see you guys open, good luck.
  10. Fi - Levels, return like cockroaches Eop - Pulls, recruiting, history CP- Not much atm, history S - Good numbers/recruiting, need to train up Zu - Aussie cunts, mm ranks, good in matched Au- good in clan wars RD - will be a good clan assuming they stay open/dont get hacked N- Great at P2P, would like to see more F2P from them BV - Miniwars
  11. Cluster with FI SUP ZU and AU was very very fun, also shouts out to FI for some nice fights at GDZ. Good trip boys.
  12. JoJo

    GTFO our Hut

    This is the most propaganda on a topic ive seen in a while.. we CLEARED you at gdz...
  13. Pls pls pls move trip times back to 3:30 Est, so much more convenient. Friday too tbh, i wanna get fucked up m8.
  14. I don't care at this point. CP is such an irrelevant cancer they just need to close. I dont understand why they're dragging their closure out.
  15. Until AU consistently beats us they cannot honestly say the are better than us.. we beat FI so we're fighting with FI for #1 matched
  16. This ^^ Any clan closing is kind of sad these days tbh. Foe has a brown sticky stuff ton of history and along with MM will probably go down as the best pure clan of all time. Sad to see them go ): RIP Kings of P2P man.
  17. Shouts out to FI for hitting off our ranks during the prep and then after they lost hitting off our TS, EOP website, and sharkbrew. Pathetic.
  18. I used to like Supremacy until they started crashing every fight that EOP/FI have and then claim to clear both.. cmon lads you know if you went 1v1 vs either you'd get slapped. Crashing our fights doesn't put you in our league.
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