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Everything posted by Elve

  1. would love to setup some even number pkris message Elve#5007.
  2. 2 step process. 1. 2.
  3. i leaked 7 screenshots get over it lol sv dead
  4. took 10 minutes for a couple trolls.
  5. id be mad 2 https://www.google.com/search?q=no+legs+person&client=firefox-b-ab&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwib-oTXhYvbAhVY7GMKHdfzCccQ_AUICigB&biw=1366&bih=639
  6. hows doom? oh ye shit i forgot. irrelevant.
  7. not like id wanna join l0l0l0
  8. u know cd is irrelevant right.
  9. coming soon Sovereign Til I die
  10. i aint joining. i bleed green
  11. https://discord.gg/ZEc2Zqt
  12. www.clan-fi.org has you boys. come thru, we land at tilted.
  13. We Massed up 35 Green Warriors and headed out to our F2P Saturday. We peaked at 49 Pure Elites. We setup a 1v1 against Apex and they defended corp hill. Final Ownage Elites decided to hit Apex before us so we came in and started hitting FOE. We pushed on top of them and forced them to run to singles. Once in singles Apex logged out and we stayed with FOE. They pulled to multi and we followed we started to cycle them for a little bit. We ran to CA when we saw Fearless log in singles. We setup a 1v1 against Final Ownage Elites and they defended south of sperm. We rushed from the north and instantly started banging people sticking out south. We started cycling and catching binds on anyone sticking out. We took a slight lead when Fearless decided to crash from the north, We pulled east while FS chased FOE south. We went south after and both clans had disappeared. We went to catch a bank. We setup a 1v1 against Final Ownage Elite at GDZ. The fight started off pretty even before FOE took a slight lead, the fight went back and forth with both clans doing good cycles and catching good piles. FOE took a strong lead due to returning and we eventually got outnumbered and decided to go bank. Since the first fight was alot of fun we decided to do it again. We defended this time and Final Ownage Elites rushed from the east. We held our ground and quickly took a nice kill advantage. We continued to cycle and catch binds on anyone sticking out. Midway through the fight we took a strong 10 Kill lead. Within minutes it seems FOE did some trickery because they brought the numbers back within 2 minutes. We fought for around 10 more minutes before FOE started outnumbering us again and we decided to dip. Thanks for the fun long return fights! We setup our final 1v1 for the day and the longest return fight in sometime. We rushed Fearless at CA and quickly took the advantage. The fight was almost 40 Minutes long and both clans held the lead in the fight at some points. We continued to battle throughout mains and double logging and eventually took a commanding lead and send Fearless doing laps around to corp than back south to altar. Envy scouted the world and came with 50 lvl 50's to hit both clans. Fearless pulled far north and went incognito with their capes off. We pulled back south to CA and waited. FS didnt return so we got a spam and logged out. @Jack both these dudes died so many times
  14. Instead of posting these daily Ive complied all of our midweeks throughout the week and made one big topic. FIRST WEEK: SECOND WEEK: Monday - 4 Hour PK Trip. FT. COA/SOG/OB - 05/07/2018 Monday 2 - Completely Bullying COA - 05/07/2018 WEDNESDAY - 3X PKRI'S VS FEARLESS - 05/09/2018 Thursday - 2 PKRI's vs Outburst - 05/10/2018 Friday - First To 50 vs Outburst & Quick Hit on COA - 05/11/2018
  15. bought it at the dollar store. when i grow up i wanna be conor mcgregor.
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