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Everything posted by Tyendinaga

  1. The Last Pures rally against Zerg Unit after a clutch performance by none other than Dank in round 2. Thanks for the fights, ZU.
  2. Worldtracker does absolutely no good for weekend events and makes them worse. With such a tool clans spend more time doing nothing and sitting in strip or lobby and seeing who makes the first move. From a pking perspective whoever makes the first move will be perpetually disadvantaged because of the public broadcast, and clean fights are not possible with the current state of the clanning community (looking at all of you). Worldtracker removes the need to scout efficiently/plant leaks because now you will have roughly enough information to tell what you're dealing with in a world. TL;DR, it does more harm than good
  3. very true, just wasn't my day. Keep being a +1 mate, strong work.
  4. FI: saw way too many magers doing little to nothing. Great pull. FOE: nothing to add. That was smooth execution
  5. LPC is 70 combat and under no exceptions
  6. RAW list RAW list RAW list RAW list
  7. 1. I could be wrong but iirc we asked you at the beginning of our trip and didnt fight CP until 90 minutes in 2. We lost the brown sticky stuff out of that (members didnt return) 3. Ok 4. will PM
  8. we didn't even do poorly, just didn't kill anybody. Still have alot of 70's. Thanks for the fights.
  9. I've gotta be blunt with you Sith we've asked RD for a PKRI two weekends in a row now and you completely failed to deliver after agreeing to fight Other than that we prep you consistently which is good I'm just trying to fight people
  10. People take this game so seriously I fear the losing clans would close at this state of clanning Just a game people Play to have fun
  11. I genuinely believe we would have won round 2 last week had Vikings not fucked up.
  12. We have alot of work to do. Thanks for the fights.
  13. a damned near genius topic designed to bring out the intricacies and delicate nature of clan to clan communication. I applaud this thread and all others like it
  14. Daily reminder that the last time you tried to prep anyone you got 28-0'ed in 38 seconds. Know your place.
  15. it's alot more respectable to just say you lost the third round rather than throwing up excuses but what do I know, I called round 3 and we got perfected
  16. Countdown was for their Winter banner. Furious convinced enough people that the countdown was spec up to that date. Quality gravedig
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