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Everything posted by Sturg

  1. Awkward. (LY on top BTW. DM Sturg#0001 to cash-out or join the winning side!)
  2. I didn't, and if he claims otherwise then he's lying. I posted a generic, passive-aggressive message in the staff channel about people not pulling their weight and being inactive. He took it personally, even though I didn't mention him and wasn't actually thinking about him, as I know he has stuff going-on IRL. He went full emo and left the server. I really don't understand why you're saying that as if it's some kind of victory for Zenith. He's not joining your dogshit paedophile propaganda clan, and he's not even in your server. We knew that he was an Applicant in Tempest. It was just a matter of time. He's sick of the pure scene (no wonder with cunts like you around). GJ.
  3. "Shit useless rank"? I do far more in LY than anyone else except Scott, it's not my fault if other people don't pull their weight. Zenith would be fucking lucky to have me. It wasn't that long ago that Cockeyes was begging me to join. I go hard and would be a fucking great asset to any clan. Maybe shut the fuck up if you don't know what the fuck you're talking about, rat. You should maybe worry about the leaks and plants in your own clan!
  4. Try again! Fucking dogshit propaganda clan. You can't even see your own dick. Considering the fact that he's an app in Tempest? Exactly. Absolute fucking joke of a clan. I immediately unbanned him, apologised, and sent him an invite link. You couldn't pull 40 without multi-logging, teaming with other clans, or hiring mercenaries. Useless rank? I do more in and for LY than anyone else except Scott. Call me a slave all you like. I'd be a fucking brilliant asset for any clan.
  5. Provide evidence to support your defamatory accusations or shut the fuck up, you fucking weird victim. You're calling someone else fat? That's because there wasn't an argument, or flaming, or anything of the sort.
  6. And you're accusing ME of having bad intel?! Your Co-Leader is literally a fucking paedophile, you absolute cretin.
  7. @drozeI almost feel bad for you, you were pulling 50-60 on your own a few months ago then you closed into a dogshit paedo propaganda clan for a fucking Council rank, and now your merged shitshow is pulling less than either clan did before. Awkward. Hit me up on Discord for a way out. Don't worry, we'll protect you from Cockeyes.
  8. Prove it, you fucking retard . You're fucking INFESTED. You wish. How does it feel having JS close into you but you're now struggling to pull 40? Bad times.
  9. Yeah, no he's not. Don't start making things up and stirring the pot, you fucking rat. Shall I bring-up some of your former ranks? Honestly, you're literally just a dogshit propaganda clan. You're an absolut fucking joke. Victim.
  10. Roofis and I were flaming each other in #general so I used the command "!ban @Roofis#4643 24h" as a joke, without realising that it was an actual command or that it would work. I immediately unbanned him, apologised, and sent him an invite link. You also know full-well why we had to ban Ryan, so don't even fucking think about using that as propaganda or I'll start posting shit. No-one kicked Bronek; we briefly moved him out of the channel during a trip when we were leak-testing, but he was clean.
  11. NO WAY YOU'RE USING OLD AUDIO YET AGAIN, LMFAO! I was out and came to rag on mobile for a bit when I got home - I wasn't even on TS. We broke your entire dogshit clan until there were barely any Z names left in-game. As usual, you all teleported-up at the same time to spam in a DD and get some propaganda pics for your fake ending. Nice try, you fucking freaks, l000l.
  12. You, of all people, are in no place to pass comment on anyone else's appearance. The difference is that I've seen you; you haven't seen me. What does that have to do with what John said? Weird kid. You're the one in an informal alliance with a number of pure clans, main clans, random teams, and mercenaries, so you're in no place to criticise anyone. That's footage from yesterday but audio from Thursday. Nice try, though! I'm not crying at all, I'm literally just countering your absolute dogshit propaganda and outright lies because you have nothing else. I'm not going to let it slide any more. We're coming for you. Good luck; you'll need it. Of coure it'll always be Sam's clan but that doesn't change the fact that he's literally just the Founder and not an active rank. He comes online a few times a week and helps us out, but other than that it's the rank team who run the clan and make all the decisions. - I'm not going to comment on this cringe excuse for a propaganda topic any more as my valiant efforts at countering your dogshit propaganda and outright lies is having the unfortunate consequence of making it look a lot more popular than it actually is, and repeatedly bumping it to the top of this subforum. Adieu!
  13. Also known as "correcting your dogshit propaganda and outright lies". That has the square root of precisely fuck-all to do with me. I've since spoken to Ep1c and now have a better understanding of the wider context. I believe it to have been a misunderstanding that got out of hand. At least I have the mental capacity to be able to type in such a fashion. So Synergy, another group, and probably more didn't mass-join/mass-leave? For the record, LY is on its first iteration. Absolute horseshit. You're welcome for the replies and bumps BTW, it's just unfortunate that it has the unintended consequence of making your topic look popular when in fact the only people who have commented on it who are not in Z are myself and Ep1c. I'm not upset in the slightest, my hebephilic friend. I've not had the chance to post on any other topics yet as I'm too busy pissing all over your absolute dogshit propaganda. If you want to talk about "rent-free", you're the one who keeps highlighting me in your server because you're desperate for my attention, validation, and approval. See the above, it's not as simple as that. I'm sure that Scott also has them and a lot more backed-up, and has a hell of a lot more on you than you do on him. I made the account six months ago but forgot about it. I came across the details recently and decided to post in order to bring you and your motley crew of cunts down a peg or two. Again, you of all people calling anyone else a paedophile is fucking HILARIOUS. If any ranks are leaking (and they're absolutely not), then you'd surely be willing to prove it? After all, it would be a massive propaganda victory and you could easily redact or anonymise it. Otherwise, people might understandably come to the conclusion that you're a dogshit, lying, propagandising nonce. Sam is inactive; he's the Founder, not the Leader. You're all obsessed with him and claim that we "slave" for him or "do what [he] tells [us]", despite the fact that he only comes on a few times per week to to help-out, whereas the rank team are the ones who run the clan and make the decisions. Imagine that, inactive ranks having an inactive role instead of being allowed to keep their active role like they are in Z! The travesty!
  14. Yeah, and don't you forget it. What iteration of Zenith are you on now? Eleven? Just like the age of your... Nah, forget it.
  15. He joined Terror on his pure (for some strange fucking reason), and a small main clan on his main that I won't name. He wasn't spying for you as we vetted him, you would've discouraged him from leaving, and you wouldn't have admitted it to me.
  16. I'm not playing any "game", I'm just wondering why you're being like this since, as far as I'm aware, you left LY on good terms, albeit abruptly. I haven't threatened to dox or DDoS you or anyone else. I hold myself to higher standards than that. You don't need to hold anything against me; as I said I like you and am disappointed that you left, but I'm just curious as to why the sudden retaliation given that you appeared, to me at least, to have left on good terms.
  17. GARR0W is joining a small main clan that I'm not going to name, so GL to him given the current cancerous state of the scene. We didn't get "cleared", nor was is "16 v 21"; it was 16 meds/mains versus 18 pures, you dipped long before you cleared us, and you didn't return despite the fact that we waited for you at GDZ, then continued our trip, whereas you ended. At least I'm capable of typing in paragraphs and using proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation, and I'm proud of it. You've been hanging-around kids too long; their bad habits are rubbing-off on you (and you've been rubbing-off on them in a completely different way). Literally NO-ONE PMed you to leak as we had a long, successful, and profitable trip (like we do every day), despite some cringe main clan causing a slight hiccup for two whole minutes before disappearing into thin air once again. You have ONE leak in LY, and we're closing the net. Prove me wrong. Leak our audio all you like, if you even have it. There's absolutely nothing juicy, sensitive, or cringe on there, unlike yours the other week. We'll gladly return the favour.
  18. Yeah I saw it bubba, if you'd bothered to read my OP then you'd have realised that I didn't get Smited, and that I actually looted the DCB and ammo from one of you fucking bots but died with it. That's because I was focussing on Blitzing/Barraging. You dipped after two minutes and didn't return so I didn't have time to shoot any bolts! Do you, of all people, really want to fucking go there? I made an edgy joke; you're literally a convicted nonce. *Irony klaxon* I can't wait - it'll be such a short clip that you can just upload it to YouTube Shorts as you dipped after two minutes, before you'd cleared us, and then didn't bother to return - despite the fact that we all returned and waited at GDZ for ten minutes, then continued our trip for another hour. You ended! See the above, and my OP. Are you claiming that it's from today? That GIF is on your Z and SB topics from when you hit our PKRI yesterday, you child-molesting cunt. "Another one", despite the fact that we currently have a net increase in members and pull similar numbers as Z at weekends? I'm only referring to pures, of course. You dipped long before you cleared us, you didn't return, and you had 16 (almost entirely) meds and mains versus our 18 (almost entirely) pures. Let's be honest; you just wanted a quick hit for the sake of your dogshit propaganda, or else you'd have returned and kept fighting, but you didn't. You disappeared in less time than it took you all to log-in, and instead of returning you resorted to spamming our CC, claimed that we called other clans/teams with no evidence, posted your little topic on your forums, and then ENDED! @BlueKYP this rat, please. Not only did he not lose it today, but he didn't even get Smited. Enjoy the $5 CAD or whatever it is, you can use it as hush money to buy those poor kids' silence.
  19. We didn't call anyone; everyone in the CC, TS3, and our PoVs/screenshots was from LY. Unless, of course, you can provide evidence to the contrary, which would prove that you're not just chatting shit?
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