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Everything posted by Trajan

  1. Imo the 80 combat cap is already extremely high for an lpc, I personally wanted it to stay at 69, maybe low 70s at a stretch. What part of "Maxed 1 def 60 attack" seems like a low level pure account? I understand that higher level accounts come to wildy fights, and I understand that certain clans ask for exceptions for clan wars fights, but these should be exceptions and no the rule. For me the day lpcs go above 80 combat cap is the day lpcs become mpcs.
  2. Was a lot of fun, shoutout to Imperial for stepping up and giving us some good action today.
  3. We gotta train up . Ty for the fight Imperial, well done was fun as fuck
  4. nice work, looks like it was fun. Ty for the minis Trauma.
  5. gl mate lookin forward to it ^That. Sorry we decided to show someone what a real clan looks like, I'm sure the +1 made all the difference.
  6. a part of the reason we were missing people most fights is because when there was downtime we went and tried to kill vet'ion in f2p gear. I wouldn't really recommend it XD we lost some good men out there.
  7. followed by the clearing of the chaos clan nice focusing clumps but it didn't really help you much
  8. Oh man thanks for letting us know, sorry to bother you we'll just stop clanning then lol fun trip, thanks for the action to everyone we fought
  9. solid work Imperial, thanks for the fun fights. I lol'ed at the part where Trauma wanted to gwas you at corp and got slapped, we did the same to Chaos, they cancelled today to go p2p so we logged in on top of em and cleared em with our powerful bows and scims See you again next weekend
  10. ty for the small prep chaos, it was fun. We got dicked by you r2 not even gonna lie.
  11. well he's not, but it was pretty much free loot they aren't very organized. Thanks
  12. Yall had mains sniping the fuck out of us the first time, and we hit you 8v13. But grats on your win I guess The next two fights were matched, you can watch the vid for proof if you want. Ty for the fights, better luck next time.
  13. While the servers are gonna suck, and its gonna get very irritating, we should still go out and at least try to get some fun fights in where we can.
  14. gl bro Looking forward to fighting you guys
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