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Everything posted by CallMeSwaggy

  1. I do not support this polling Hassan should be president
  2. did you guys reach challenged yet??????
  3. In recent news of Hassan pulling out of the race source: http://www.sharkbrew.com/community/index.php?/topic/11602-dropping-out-of-the-race/ I would like to ask your support to bring him back in. Hassan is the president that the pure community needs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. I hope the festival lasts all 3 days, apparently it goes til 1 AM I think too many people might die tho LMAO
  5. For the most part, I think Braden is fair maybe just don't let him get involved in anything TLP/FOE related would be the best option.
  6. LOL ima be at that festival and yeah ima be off the molly too lmao
  7. In regards to the topic tho, I feel that Braden is without a doubt biased.
  8. From what ive seen you would make a good admin because of your idgaf attitude and not really caring much about the clan community. However there is def some biased going on here, ive seen a bunch of this Rihana me or w.e the hell dudes name is posting around and man that guy should have been banned but yeah. I really think that ranks of clans should not be allowed to be admins. Mods is pushing is since they are biased aswell but I don't think that you would be able to fill up all the mod spots with clanless/retired/unbiased people. Braden posts most of TLP topics despite being a relatively useless rank within the clan (you know the kind that takes attendance and rarely speaks durring trips / scouts etc). Now I don't know what goes on within the TLP community and what their ranks actually do nor do I care but there is obviously some bias within these boards (also its pretty entertaining tbh). Braden is a cool guy from what ive seen when I was in Omega and he does try his best but there is no way that a rank of a clan can make a fair and unbiased admin.
  9. Especially those ranked in a clan, I threw some minor flame baits towards braden a few days ago or something to see what reaction id get and bam defending his clan responding with flamebait towards FoE. Idc since I troll every clan but meh just an example.
  10. Ehh... the community is pretty big I think you could easily make it a requirement for admins to be clanless, its the only real way to prevent any sort of bias.
  11. If you want a runescape only community it will fail, maybe expanding it to gaming in general idk.
  12. Its pretty fucked up how he makes a flame bait topic and then gets ended on it. There is legit no point in this topic Ari made. From a bystander view it Doom is now slumped because SV took a massive dump on them. In that prep after watching the videos SV rolled them in the 1st round and saw an opportunity to take advantage of a weaker clan by just rushing them the 2nd round too (none really cares that SB justified Dome as the winner in that prep despite getting railed). Doom should focus on getting their clan back together after taking multiple beatings from SV, not trying to flame a clan who is the undisputed winner of the rivalry (you fell off dome, OP gets a crack at SV now). OP doesn't have a chance in the rivalry since they have next to no quality and it honestly seems like their callers don't know what they are doing. OP won't slump to closure however since they have a really great community and the members are motivated and focused on improving themselves (however leadership is shaky imo, would be an even fight if OP had better leadership). When (if) SV decides to move to HPC they will thrive in it, hopefully they don't do it soon since I believe there is room for even more growth but the time is coming soon, MPC community has no real competition.
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