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Posts posted by falconfury

  1. nobody cares about this little cry baby crying about a map that literally nobody on this forum uses ever gg

    He does bring up the issues with spectator which does effect every clan who fights in clan wars, it isn't just limited to turret map 

  2. If a LPC goes to HPC what is the reality that the members who are multi clanning will leave their HPC to stay in this new clan which is transitioning to HPC?


    A lot of the people in the LPC are people who are just multi clanning on a baby pure + some of these leaders in the LPC's are also ranks in HPC


    Would love to see LPC's stepping up but there is more factors than you are thinking of

  3. Weekends are the most fun/important when it's just two clans with similar opts brawling without getting ragged by mains


    Preps are in my opinion is what tests the quality of your members the most as it's the most moderated of the 3 you stated, there is always a winner.


    Who cares about midweeks lmfao those are just for fun/loot unless it's a PKRI 

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