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Everything posted by ferocious

  1. Severance stomps on imperial but imperial may outlast them and severance may close before them.Guess it depends on the next upcoming weeks.
  2. i don't always get cancer but when i do i fuck your mom u cauliflower sand usain bolt paki @
  3. Great job severance, your positoning at bandits wasnt the greatest tho xd, never the less, looked dominant!
  4. CV we have big dicks i know u like that jennifer
  5. You just admitted to losing, what type of broccolied ranks set up a fight down 20 hoping to win when you're based off the brown sticky stuff clan zenith?
  6. Damn nice man;) good video nice freestyle.
  7. Dynasty was one of the first clans to close though.. Pandemic were one of the last and that was because of the server dying out, not because of a slump, they peaked at 35-40 pull on their very last trip before they closed, although the quality wasn't great they didn't 'slump'.
  8. It's not only us planning to go HPC, Olympus is aswell, Not sure what imperial are doing but i've seen them bring 90s to trips, Thanks for the support though.
  9. No brown sticky stuff, how do you ever expect an LPC to rise and go out at HPC times with LPC accounts?, we have no combat caps now so it doesn't limit our members, they can now train up to 106 combat instead of going HPC with a bunch of level 70s and barely competing with the lowest tier clans.
  10. nice job i tried making one aswell lol =p
  11. Looked pretty easy tbh, nice job, where's the video at tho
  12. Not surprised you won but 3-0'ing them aswell? nice job lt.
  13. You guys do your attacking round then leave during our attacking round then call us pussies and then make a topic claiming a 1-0 win, nice job OP.
  14. Good job doom, 20-25 cv? you killed 6 CV people that were left @ boneyard as you can see in your video lmao
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