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Everything posted by Delaying

  1. and? your opinion doesn't matter to me and again it doesn't change the fact that we are #1
  2. I don't see the point here and i don't think no one cares where i pk but ok it doesnt remove the fact you guys suck and we #1
  3. clan is trash? do you even know what redo means? means we restart the round and at that time we had the attacking round, so ofc we did rush you because you kids doesn't know what clanning is xD dont cry about it. we #1 deal with it
  4. are you ok? Maybe if you stop teaming with other clans we will respectfully respect the combat cap? lol.
  5. now this is what we call a winning topic hate take notes
  6. HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA you guys must be blind as fuck if you think today you ''cleared'' us alliance wont work on us you don't even have vids aswell xD
  7. nice clanning experience, using mage gear with no binding supplies very nice xD btw prep us ))
  8. this was to easy to be honest lol....
  9. wasnt there looks like we owned again gratz
  10. Well that was free loots, i wonder what excuse will they use now... in any case we #1
  11. was really easy especially clearing h8 x3 at fog xD
  12. justin beiber topic #outburst #1 nice salty screen tho
  13. Uhm are you ok? at the beginning you can see 30v50, yes of course we hitted them at FOG just because we took out their lowest level first but at the middle of the fight they realised that was a cauliflower move to stay at fog and tried to drag north, and it's was already to late because we were clearing them and and you see in the video, if you look at the title VQ needed to team with few more randoms clan of course you don't expect them to listen but hey a win is a win as you can see it just clearly proove VQ can't compete alone. but either way his leadership is not even good to begin with so yes we cleared them down 20, thats what it matters. let me ask you something would you go and fight a clan with 10 people when you know your opponent has 20 ppl more? nah thats a dumb move but if you have a way to win, you take out their lowest lvl at the lowest lvl possible and by doing that you have a chance to win, either way thats what we did and we cleared them off the map! gratz fs
  14. Please, point out where we lost and got cleared again seems to me you keep trying to point out false facts.. not good lol. just accept the fact that you got dicked to single All day, and get over it jesus christ.
  15. Actually it does, it just show how insufficiant you were in the wilderness last night fighting us plus your little friend pun claim you cleared us? ok please point me that, i'd like to see that oh wait.. you didn't. and talking about match opts? oi when you teamed with VQ we stood our ground (Not the first time) because i admit it you crushed us, but lol... please watch the videos we cleared you after over and over let me tell you something aswell, i remember having a good laugh with every member in TS because you broccolied kids everytime you regrouped at single and tried to return attack us you returned yet again in single HAHAHA. cya next weekend!
  16. you just went broccolied over there buddy ''we don't need to team with VQ'' whats this? please watch the video again :-) keep trying to proove yourself wrong today wasnt the case please i implore you aswell, watch the video compare IV topic vs FS topic, lol? again nice try.
  17. Why are you mad? because i bring real facts? uhm i don't mind but that's not up to me to decide as i'm just a member, but you can surely talk to Vito, Lalo, Tannie about that i'm sure they wont mind and again i'm pretty sure today was even matched or plus 1 or whatsoever but anyway we dicked you allday in the wild into singles and pretty much clear you every single time,
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