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R4ng3r J

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Everything posted by R4ng3r J

  1. Come on @@Buky no flaming. Everyone it's a morale booster have fun with it. I'll let the staff know to keep it down. It's not appropriate. OP gave us a fight so no flames is needed. No too long ago everyone was talking brown sticky stuff and flaming about our slump and we hardly said anything back towards the crowd. We are just seriously happy that AAO is continuing handling bussiness as usual. I understand what's the argument here though and will get it sorted. #respect
  2. Rather be honest then talk brown sticky stuff propaganda. 90% (made up number just so you can understand) of the "LPCMPC" community has been teaming with HPC (Multi clanning) When AAO doesn't sink that low. Most of LP actually joined AAO in the Summer. They're still considered AAO and we told them if they want to join us again since LP doesn't pk during the times "MPCLPC" GO OUT.
  3. Good Job Ruin we appreciate the clean fight.
  4. Why would you say AAO when WE talked about not wanting to join an HPC and stay independent when you were CO LEADER. Come on now y33t.
  5. We recruited 1 tonight while having a random late night f2p pk trip so now its a 16 man member base.
  6. Hey I thought clans got over the whole spamming irc's and CC's. Never had an issue before so I want to aware the community.
  7. This is just to let clans know that you should rank your trusted members in the cc in order to prevent this.
  8. I am not going to sleep tonight due to so much disrespect >.< sick to my stomach
  9. Not a month yet. Maybe if you stopped lying when we do wild pkri then we can respect you and give you a prep.
  10. http://www.sharkbrew.com/community/index.php?/topic/11120-doom-vs-against-all-odds-f2p-prep-3-0-sept-17th-2015/ Why you always lying.
  11. Damn you're salty. We give you preps all the time, we even fight you in wild WHEN you lie about opts. You complain too much... Relax. AAO has helped you a few times in wild and you still talk.....Simmer down yourself bud come on now.
  12. I know right...lol thought id give it a shot. #fail
  13. Just want to mention CD for the past couple of days have came into AAO's CC and spammed it with "join mmbros" bla bla just spamming away. Pretty immature. Grow up and get a life. If you want something prep us OR Take it into the wild AND PLEASE no mains.... Be respectful.
  14. We showed up and gave a respectable fight congrats on the win.
  15. Not too sure whats up with all these topics about AAO. They're is a certain group that just really wants us to look bad. AAO and I have been focusing on ourselves.(Hardly any flames towards other clans) of course some members will speak out but i think its because the game is competitive and we can all agree. A little slump weekend? Sure not a big deal though. A solid core of great loyal members? Yes. I don't think our time has come. Just a shout out to those who still respect the community though. I see a lot of random names on SB who are probably EX-AAO that have been kicked making flame bait topics. I don't understand why they continue. I've told my clan to keep it cool and respectful. Can't keep an eye on every member. Again thanks for the respectful comments and for those who want to continue its FINE. It is just a game and we're all here to have fun. Y33T
  16. All members involved had a positive out look on the fight even being down. A wild fight is a return fight last one standing no matter how long the fight is. Happy to see AAO members putting work in and returning game is strong with that group that participated.
  17. Wild [MPC] SV DOOM OP/AAO (AAO has been known to do well in fights where the opponent out numbers us) but ill be modest. Clan Wars SV|DOOM|AAO OP [LPC] Too hard to keep track new clans/not enough action prep wise i guess
  18. oh let me just hug single. Oh let me beg an HPC to come join our trips OH let me decline preps OPOPOP
  19. SV was very respectful during the prep. Good fight like one mention they had a break. We're looking forward for more preps. Win some you lose some all in all it was good fun. Thanks for the fight.
  20. It was fun. SV+CD just hung around in single most of the time. Overall was fun. OP is legit flame off. Other then that enjoy playing a game. ^.^
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