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Status Replies posted by Dave'

  1. [Thu:09:58:19:PM] * +[Don] ([email protected]) Quit (Client exited)

  2. @slushpuppy why did al shabab aka don get demoted on sovereign forum in 2k16

  3. wow looks like TLP wins again looks like ur boy hittin doesnt wanna even step up to insane (i wouldnt either)

  4. how many threads is [emotional]a combo going to post on tonight smh

    1. Dave'


      'someone has to defend the dead clan' meaning fo? yikes........

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  5. how many threads is [emotional]a combo going to post on tonight smh

    1. Dave'


      a retired member caring more about a clan more than their leaders lmfaoooooooooooo @toenail884cutter7

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  6. 19-3 u guys deserved this! but how r u gonna disrespect after 10 straight losses :o good fight

  7. tlp ending with a massive 22 capes in edgeville after failing to follow foe in a fight. big congratz to them!

  8. shout out to TLP for being the only clan that is a challenge to fight.

  9. lmfao i come on brewshark for 1st time in months and nothin changed... every1 talkin bout sv;) good or bad you are giving us free publicity, and for that i thank you

  10. (23:20:14) ok i've already told u (23:20:17) 100% we'll accept a prep (23:25:27) but yh tell ryan or something to pm (23:25:33) i will 100% accept personally @BarrageKyle

  11. So tlp rush sv with 55 ppl and dont sit and sv is trash? All that brown sticky stuff talk and then u won't fight us matched. Tlp scared?!?!?

    1. Dave'


      we sat to 35 the min lmfao didnt u do the same in the lpc community against doom? stay brown sticky stuff broccoli

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  12. can someone explain me those sharkbrew award jokes, it says tlp most consistent and best leadership

    1. Dave'


      dont think everything revolves around cwa m8

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

  13. It's almost 2016 and you lead a clan with IP Don?

    1. Dave'


      And with tripluh whos first clan was on an rsps lmfao!

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  14. Who remembers when SV pulled 20 and fought Ronin every week haha.

  15. @Rhythm trying to start beef with us because his clan lost their rivalry to Foe lmfao

  16. @Rhythm trying to start beef with us because his clan lost their rivalry to Foe lmfao

  17. fo just lost to fi in a 30 def cap prep? 8)

    1. Dave'


      all talk brother see you on the battlefield 8)

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  18. how can #1 clan be the underdog i dont get it :^) :^) :^)

    1. Dave'


      i wouldnt expect a dutcher to understand what an underdog is

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  19. how can #1 clan be the underdog i dont get it :^) :^) :^)

    1. Dave'


      not 1 foe member knows what an underdog is im shocked

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  20. how can #1 clan be the underdog i dont get it :^) :^) :^)

    1. Dave'


      ur on the level of a cp broccoli right now lmfao

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  21. tlp is still brown sticky stuff tomatos

  22. tlp is still brown sticky stuff tomatos

    1. Dave'


      expected u would say no to a rag fight u wouldnt last 5 minutes lmfao

    2. (See 50 other replies to this status update)

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