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Everything posted by Commander

  1. Tlp once again pulled less then their sign ups which were ass to begin with. And brought every main they have in their clan
  2. Lol they're trying desperately to create a rivalry because their members don't show up to trips
  3. You're having sing ups to try and ruin mayhems opening trip lmfao rustled
  4. Tlp is having sign ups for the second time this month to try and ruin mayhems opening trip. The last signs ups they had 66 yes votes in which only 34 showed up. This time they are at around the same. Will they all show up? Will that be enough?
  5. mayhem with the comeback wins nice jobs guys

  6. Looks like you've never been in a successful clan
  7. btw @17_ u talked brown sticky stuff after first round and got smoked lmfao 39 defence and still cant tank

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. pot noodle

      pot noodle

      he also lied about his mother having a terminal illness xdxdxd

    3. Milzan
    4. fireSTAFF


      lmfao @_17 gets killed by a fucking gmaul in preps l0000000l

  8. guess panda cant carry tlp in f2p

  9. I like Kyles approach. I think he got tips from that Bobbyy guy. Make sure to tell everyone how much you don't care yet post salty brown sticky stuff all over the forums
  10. lol ur an aussie with a bowlcut dont try to act hard over the internet it only works when people dont know what you look like
  11. did u get broken recently or something?? all your posts are salty and full of justin beiber
  12. Do you really think anybody starting a new clan wants to instantly get into a rivalry
  13. Lol yeah supposedly mayhem is a bunch of hackers hell bent on destroying tlp. Meanwhile mayhems focus since the thought of opening is to train and get ready to compete etc
  14. Lmao hanuman used to tell you to shut up every trip and you listened like the good dog you are
  15. Greg says ur gf looks like an ogre
  16. More then tlp did the last time they had sign ups (34)
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