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Everything posted by hb0t

  1. So you just pretended to beat doom, while none of it even happened?
  2. All i'm seeing here is butt-hurt eop and brown sticky stuffty cd
  3. maybe you should stop focusing on spying and start focusing on pulling more than 30 without another clan? just a suggestion if you want to compete
  4. waiting for us to pk so you can hand out free loot, naww :3. maby cd isn't so bad after all guys
  5. You're not welcome in this topic. and you're broccolied Gj Doom
  6. why would he make calls for himself lol.. Not to mention the other 2 in full d hide
  7. uhoh... i see a couple of mains attacking here you guys have alot of teeth, for a bunch of cheeky cunts
  8. ummm... well this is awkward because i think you got a bit lost along the way
  9. l0l np/ip is half of CD's pull broccoli, without them they are useless... same goes for np/ip both clans would be irrelevant without each other
  10. If we're such a horrible clan why are you always trying to compete with us? broccoli...
  11. we had a solid 10 doing minis lmao, we dont mass up every single day
  12. i cant make any promises pdot but i will do my best to fix your mental condition
  13. Even the best have haters, look at Kanye. Doom #1 Cd isn't even close to us
  14. I bet those rune sets come in handy for you and your cd boys
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