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Y 2 The Z

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Everything posted by Y 2 The Z

  1. CD wins again!!! Can't break us!! 3 vs 1 NP!! op+imp+rage brown sticky stufftters

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. P0 tz
    3. Y 2 The Z

      Y 2 The Z

      so funny you comment on status :P good you have no mains... (from your side/op side and everyone) you guys suck so hard... remember cd wins again


    4. AnothaOne
  2. who are you? OP can you pull more then 30?
  3. cd wins again and again.. Next weekend more invites rage??? lol you got bullied this weekend!!
  4. rage got clapped this weekend, demmm. More invites next weekend rage??
  5. Demm op still pulling 30's?? When closing??
  6. WHen you get cleared every time LOLOL You guys slumping???
  7. cd wins again!!!! hahahahah rageeee+aao+more invites get brown sticky stuffted on

  8. When aao members thinking about joining a new clan.. OP = dead, pulling 50 with 20/50 mains Rage = hype is gone and they got destroyed on sunday + 10 ops Apex = do they even go out on weekends? Welcome to join Critical Damage, then you will see how it goes for real without propaganda.
  9. Ofc cd.. AAO soo brown sticky stuff, they start to crumble already (22 man pull) Then rage, because they lose 2 weekends in a row, brown sticky stuffters.. 2 vs 1 np Sky storm don't get one banged retardo
  10. Join the winning side. critical-damage.org
  11. demmm you just got carroted this weekend 'again' lololol
  12. hahahaha 'we got one bad weekend'. Where the fuck were you yesterday?? brown sticky stuffters
  13. WHere is the vid of last weekend?? hahaha you guys faill haha Does it? ok.
  14. BIG MEAT brown sticky stuffTER, pm me again in game you telling me you gonna close us (4th time) ROLFFFF
  15. hahaha give me the link of the weekend trip brown sticky stuffter
  16. OP + DOOM broken?? brown sticky stuffters of the clanworld LOL

    1. King mrm1

      King mrm1

      broken like Africas economy.

    2. Dinoz


      join Doom @ doom-r.com

    3. Georgiie


      dinoz i killed dome how do you feel

  17. LOLOLOLOLOL op just got leaked :P Nice leaderboards you retardz.. How proud are you to ddos at clw fights and take a win :P rolf trashh

  18. LOLOL IDC, OP using the same brown sticky stuff that doom did when they got fucked every weekend in the MPC-scene.. OP brings 30 addy retardso/or mains to their trip. (YOO doom if you suck HPC, don't come to mpc retardz..) So as long that those OP+DOOM rejects bring their mains and recruit every broccoli with 40 defence, let's fucking gooo.. CD WILL FUCK YOU OVER
  19. Mann how does it feel to be in OP atm?? Standing in signle the whole trip or stand like 5 steps into multi zone. You guys are soo brown sticky stuff, leave op and join a real clan.. Like how can you ask your members to return so much times to get one-shotted everytime.. DOME = brown sticky stuffters in HPC scene OP = brown sticky stuffters in MPC scene OP + DOME + Retardz = Just quit runescape because you suck at it. CRITICAL DAMAGE #1 MPC
  20. LOLOLOLOLOL olympisss got fucked again :P CD #1

  21. CD #1 mpc, GOOODD FIGHT DOME + OP + invites

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