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Everything posted by Axis

  1. lmfao dead asf rage and aao both dead brown sticky stuff klens should hang themselfs.
  2. How you can dispute a prep when you did not pull the minium opts. Pls for the love of god, get a fucking brain retards.

  3. @@slushpuppy @@Andre how can u dispute if you didn't pull the 50 minium lmfaoooooo so broken justin beiber as fuck
  4. Damn I was looking for lawn gnomes today came back with a 1,50 meter scaregrow that looks like a refugee it was extremely skinny so I added some straw to it. Can't complain it looks like smeagol's twin and these chavs are staying of my lawn. Thanks @Ash !

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. Zed_


      You seem really heated, I think I hit a nerve I'd roast you again but I'm waiting for you to say something funny.

    3. Ash


      Who's heated lmfao the only food that's being heated is yours at the hostle you ugly homeless rat

    4. Zed_


      homeless? LOL you better get my dox i'm far for living on benefits wahaha unlike your refugee parents

  5. Damn I was looking for lawn gnomes today came back with a 1,50 meter scaregrow that looks like a refugee it was extremely skinny so I added some straw to it. Can't complain it looks like smeagol's twin and these chavs are staying of my lawn. Thanks @ash!

  6. Dear AAO, I am sorry that you lost but maybe if you would of accepted a prep vs Imperial you would of realised they use that cape for 2-3 months because to avoid clans putting on theirs. Hey that should remind you of your weekends! Sadly your leadership and members have the same brain capacity as my dead goldfish named pierce the chin and didn't go over the rules before the "MINIATURE WARFARE" started and failed to mention the rules after 3 rounds. I understand that your quality isn't that good thats why you lost 10v9 and that this was the only bracket you could signup for with your ML. But chinup you can still leave today for better, I heard other clans provide free education.

  7. hahahahahahahahaha this nigga be gaming on a mac
  8. Lol you're telling me that you lost 100v80 in less than 10 minutes? I have seen 40v40 preps last longer than that and just to imagine you were up 20...
  9. even tho we both know its fake, it still looks you're afraid of f2p where the mpc scene is based around but sure, we'll give you p2p i don't see the problem?
  10. the vidder was asian. You can start by accepting the others.
  11. mfw people promote tesco to revive a slumping clan, you want it to gain members not to leave...

    1. bigmanting


      they promoted a paki mute lmao0o

    2. DNYS


      They'll do fine, worry about your own clan lol.

    3. Corn_husker
  12. Im putting tlp back on the list blame @Panda kids to ugly to be seen around my area.

    1. Show previous comments  38 more
    2. tesco






    3. Zed_


      wouldn't be the first time you get sleepless nights after getting roasted again. I still don't know who either of two names are LOOOOOOOOOOOL


      But your name on the other hand, damn if I heard it I'd think IS is about to do their next attack.

    4. tesco


      mfw @Zeppke obsessed with me thinks every1 whoflames him is mel0l0

  13. Eop and tlp teaming again yawn Only if these imbred clans would tell SV they are out.
  14. Gratz SV tlp sucks so bad they fail to crash pkri's and get cleared. Bet tlp does mandatory trips to the fountain.

    1. Rhythm


      TLP slumping SV r0fl

    2. Axis


      Lmfao tlp is gone bro

  15. Easiest rivarly ever, tlps needs af and vr now and still get fucking railed.
  16. I made several things for EOP you can buy the right for 60 million gold pieces feel free to pm me .
  17. You are legit fucking garbage why do you even clan? Every clump you were in it and every bang was you. Pls you're nig ranging aswell just stop logout accept the loss and move on.
  18. Taking credits for SV gwas? yh call af/vr again fucking imbreds.
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