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Everything posted by hit

  1. www.sv-rs.org Peaked at 60, killed clans 1 by 1 etc the usual Shoutout to Olympus for getting cleared by xl lmfao
  2. i closed these brown sticky stuffters 2 years ago wonder who's going to do it now
  3. CP's irl meetup had 8 guys and 1 girl (some kids fat gf rofl) wonder how that went

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. notJordai


      teres a reason why sv closed 3 times

    3. Batman


      Let's have SV meet up @Riley Reid.

    4. etak


      you're weird @batman pls stahp lmaooooooo

  4. ye they put all the brown sticky stuff clans on blue rofl
  5. To all the people who keep asking the LPC's to go HPC you can fuck off. reasoning below 1. HPC fights consist of mains, lvl 5 fights, more mains, singles, and mains LPC fights consist of constant fighting and clusters 2. HPC's ruin their runescape accounts solely for clanning LPC's still have runescape accounts that they can actually use to pk AAO,DOOM,SV,CD and even OP all seem to have a steady memberbase and active community, and I don't think any of the clans i listed would potentially want to ruin what we have going for us right now. Besides, there's only room for growth in the LPC community, and in the HPC community it's only dying.. only a matter of time before foe closes all of you (non-biased)
  6. idk who this was but ty for action/loot
  7. @@Batman dora coming into d-town next month we gonna stunt in the bimmer lets sesh sum
  8. hows rd doing? o wait all ur ranks left to join other clans lmfao randolfski stay #7 hpc forever
  9. www.sv-rs.org Olympus approached us for a F2P Mini and we took the 2-0 as they did not want a 3rd round We then took the 3-0 in P2P without losing any person the 3rd round heh stay ez bundle of twigss lmfao waiting for you to prep us already s/o @ for backpacking
  10. most irrelevant clan in rs history right next to cp and wilderness guardians lmfa0
  11. been there done that i'll stay as an lpc tyvm
  12. slightly entertaining music gave me aids tho
  13. www.sv-rs.org We massed up around 50 people, sat like 20 and took the W s/o doom for winning round 2, you guys are improving 7-0
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