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Everything posted by Wooop

  1. confirmed https://i.gyazo.com/d7175668d252a4215a11c8eb849c6c76.gif
  2. lol i guess acting immature is calling tlp's bullbrown sticky stuff out on their psuedo hype thread.
  3. how embarrassing, why would you even post this
  4. lmfao of course every clan but cp is going to say cwars. when your not the highest pulling clan why in the fuck would you want it in the wild? tlp and foe are irrelevant compared to cp.
  5. this i worse banter than my tlp starter pack thread fuckin retart
  6. we countered with what a fullout should be. i don't see the problem. tlp knows in a real fullout they will most like lose with no cap, it has nothing to do with mains. honestly it would be fun as brown sticky stuff to do and I hope we can find a compromise sometime soon
  7. a fullout shouldn't be capped. It's not our fault you guys would barely be able scrounge 100 while we could pull waaaaay more. if it's in clan wars, its just a big prep, don't call it a fullout. welcome to 2k15 cp era
  8. because a fullout should be the max amount of ops a clan can pull. not some bs 100 cap.
  9. and then you closed. such trendsetters yall are
  10. its eop http://eop-rs.net/index.php?/topic/79670-finally/
  11. rt = eops lpc so it's no surprised they closed
  12. thats the cringiest fake irc log i've ever seen. if you're going to make up logs, then at least make it sound believable.
  13. still 0 chat logs of cp admitting they bring mains because (who knew), we don't! such a surprise all the mains still belong to eop and tlp stay retarted retarts
  14. lol im so glad victory is fi's problem now some say he's still calling piles in their irc channel cause he's too scared to talk on mic
  15. 300k lines of IRC and literally nothing about CP bringing mains. gf retarts ty for proving cp #1
  16. lol gf eop ty for prep retarts GET YOUR +1s EVERYBODY ALL ABOARD
  17. rd does it 24/7 and they're still irrelevant
  18. thx for fights fi, classy as always and thx for banter tlp, satly as always
  19. nice you guys should have ample brews/restores/tents for your mains this weekend grats boys
  20. dont know what yall usain bolts talking bout this is thread of the week retarts
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