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Status Updates posted by iShadyy

  1. @Tannie has already claimed the life of a 32 year old jobless spastic, who else can claim? Stay tuned to find out!

  2. Impact undisputed champs 2 weekends in a row gzzzzzzz

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. FI Closing Soon

      FI Closing Soon

      that lpc almost beat your hpc in a prep @Muppets LOL

    3. Control Pker

      Control Pker

      @Muppets, stop telling lies on your status updates, you lost to cd l0l

    4. LongShlong


      @Killabee who the Fuk r u ? Lmfao

  3. Impact wins again. Stay mad rage

  4. Join Ruin today! PM me at anytime.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. موني
    3. iShadyy


      @Muppets Why don't you have your display name as Buky? btw Didn't ask

    4. LongShlong


      lmfao w0t? u muppet

  5. Still no aftermath topic from Impact?

    1. Kenan N Kel

      Kenan N Kel

      Still salty about ur nan?

    2. iShadyy


      Still salty about me leaving your clan to die?

    3. Doc-


      Ur supposed to be allies da faq happening l0

  6. Tired of being forced into CD capes? Join Impact.

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