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Status Updates posted by NL_Ronald

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Parm


      MFW when this nigga flaming punjabis and his leader is punjabi LOOOOL @Mustafa i still killed your clan x2 LMAO go back 2 lavas for another 3 months

    3. Mustafa


      @Parm u think very highly of ur self u cauliflower paki lmfao like u literally havent closed a single clan stop being a delusional fuck

    4. Mustafa


      @Parm u literally clan hop because no1 gives u attention and ur parents hate u irl dont quote me again u ugly fuck

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. NL_Ronald


      ^should give the credits to google images

    3. Cody9204


      full credit goes to the justin beiberr that posted it

    4. NL_Ronald


      cuz ctrl c + ctrl v is so hard

  1. I need more popcorn

  2. Oh no! Not our locations!!

  3. Query Codii on irc to leak your clans location,(high priced)

  4. query Codii on irc to leak your clans locations, (paying high priced)

  5. t's about right now when Fearless leadership is scrambling to edit topics to spew out some more propaganda. heh

  6. t's about right now when Fearless leadership is scrambling to edit topics to spew out some more propaganda. heh

  7. t's about right now when Fearless leadership is scrambling to edit topics to spew out some more propaganda. heh

  8. Looks like Doom won again!

  9. Ty 4 the fight terror!

  10. Feels good to be in Doom. Join us today: http://doom-clan.com/community/

  11. Fuck the flame, Considering getting involved in the lpc scene or making a new pure? come introduce yourself - http://doom-clan.com/community/

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