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Everything posted by Kiwis

  1. Kiwis

    Recent banning.

    keep hiding mewto
  2. Kiwis

    Recent banning.

    Clan(s):Critical Damage
  3. Looks like you smoked eop lmfao gj.
  4. @dull not sure if serious lmfao?

    1. Show previous comments  97 more
    2. Kiwis


      poor guy lmfao

    3. Kiwis


      No need to cry lmfao, broken lil mutt

    4. Kiwis


      Seems like you are the one needing to delete brown sticky stuff lmfao.

  5. Idk who you guys are but gz
  6. Respect to apex for not giving a fuck and actually trying to improve.
  7. lmfao looked so fucking ez dude, gz.
  8. Clearly you seem to give a fuck lmfao, and no mate i killed ruin lmfao
  9. Seems like you are a bit mad bro. whats going on mate you need to talk to someone? @@Acid @ we may need to help this young man get through this tough time. Well look at it this way bro, you cant get any worse, or can you? lmfao
  10. seems like you lost lmfao awkward
  11. "we pulled 41 people to prep apex" classic eop faking opts lmfao, stay dead brown sticky stuffters.

    1. Show previous comments  65 more
    2. Kiwis


      Ruin hasn't achieved anything since pulling the solid 8 hellhounds.

    3. Kenan


      i literally closed sv @Soniqs @Kanicus @Fliby can confirm

    4. Kenan


      name 1 clan i havent killed TBH

  12. Eop with the classic move everyone from the afk channel into the prep channel to fake opts lmfao, stay dead rejects.
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