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HYDRA is an active pure clan and a supportive community with members and ranks you can depend on. We focus on Top-tier pure clanning where quality matters above all. Even if you are new to pking, if you are willing to learn we will ensure you will learn the skills to make you better than most players in runescape. We aim to be a professional top tier non-toxic pure clan, and to bring clean action to the scene. We don't claim to be perfect, however we put an effort into bringing a more clean & professional environment to the pure scene with less toxicity. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pure Pking everyday Proffesional CWA minis team Weekly Clan events and Wars! Website: LEADERSHIP Founder: Trikb0w Leader: PX TYLER (pxtyler#8071) High Council: Xenyle Council: Cmon Taseit/ 1 Def Noob / Chance / Missclicks / Loaded Mule MEDIA
Supremacy opened up 3 years ago in May of 2014, starting as an LPC and being the only clan to survive the merge into HPC where we improved greatly in quality and got such accomplishments as beating Fatality in a F2P fullout, closing Doom and capturing Clan Of The Month 4x in a row off of Final Ownage. Supremacy continues to defy the odds even now moving into a whole new era of pure clanning where all clans have once again merged onto the same scene and competition is at an all time high. Feeling dissatisfied with your current pure clan? Would you like to make a change? Is your dick as big and as golden as mine? Join Supremacy today. Supremacy-RS.Com F2P Fullout vs Fatality Supremacy vs Foe COTM Tiebreaker Supremacy 2 year anniversary speech Supremacy 2 year anniversary speech (alternate)
Final Ownage Elite Clan Information Clan Website: Clan Memberlist: FOE Memberlist IRC Channel: #FinalOwnage Who Are We? Final Ownage Elite is a P2P based Pk clan in Oldschool Runescape. We have a prestigious history and a high reputation for quality experienced pkers, Fostering such great legends as Bonesaw Pk, Evilsexc, 1 Pure Devil, I Meleed I, Fear Figment and other countless Runescape pking Legends. We are rated very highly within the Pure Community and have maintained the status of being one of the top clans in RuneScape Today. Final Ownage Elite prides Quality over Quantity We Only Recruit the Best. Final Ownage (FO) was founded on March 19th 2005, "FO" started out as a 49 combat pking clan and eventually became one of the best pure clans in Runescape. As a clan we trained together, and grew as a whole. Almost 7 Years on since the start of Final Ownage Elite we are still active as ever with fresh members of the leadership that strive success and do the best for FOE. Competition with developed pure clans was hard, but we remained strong and continued our clan. Some who wanted power left and that left the passionate FO’s in an outrage. In July 2005, We kicked out the inactive and unworthy and made huge ramifications to our clan. It was then that those loyal to Final Ownage took on a new name: Final Ownage Elite Final Ownage Elite Weekly Activity We Have continued the tradition through this time of having weekly F2P and P2P trips,Hosting Three scheduled Pking Trips per week, as well as Fun Events, Unofficial Trips and Miniwars for the members and the community to have some fun. FOE is not only about its members but the community of the clan mean a great deal, and everyone is welcome to be part of our community even if they are part of another clan. In our pk trips we demand respect and authority. We move as one unit and do EVERYTHING the leadership tells us. This unifies us as a whole, not just a bunch of pkers. Some of Final Ownage Elite's favorite location to pk are: Corp, 18 Portals, Greaters and New Gate. F2P PK TRIPS/EVENTS Although being a P2P based clan FOE still ventures and dominates F2P to get some action on a weekend. Our F2P PK trips consist on FOE chasing after different clan's that are out pking in the wilderness, sometimes mains but most of the time they are pures. We hold an official F2P trip every Saturday in the Wilderness, pulling a strong 60-70 people all ready to spam and pile. We also hold P2P events many Fridays, such as small trips, Clan Inner-wars and even 30 minute preparation wars with other clans. P2P PK TRIPS Onto our Specialty P2P Pking, We are highly rated through this area mainly thanks to the FOE Leadership having high experience in P2P Wars such as calls, pushes and strategies to dominate other clans. Not only do we have the leadership calling on TeamSpeak but we have the well trained members giving calls and locations in the Clan Chat to guide those members that are stuck. This is beneficial as we know how members react to situations, scenarios and how to mold new members into true FOE clan pkers. Organization and Discipline is the key to success. We hold an official P2P trip every Sunday in the Wilderness, pulling a strong 70-80 people all ready to dominate in our strongest server. P2P maximizes our hybridding ability our members have. In our requirements it is advised members to have a strong secondary stat other than their primary attacking force. This means if people use protection prayers, Members can weapon switch(or use magic spells) in order to down the enemy, This means we can dominate smaller or larger pking teams/clans quickly and effectively. Final Ownage Elite has a great scouting team which will get clan's locations within seconds and let the FOE leadership know the locations. FOE will dominate anything in reach of the clan and if they choose to fight back it will only be more loot for its members. Week in week out clans try to compete with Final Ownage Elite and for the majority of the time FOE comes out on top. FOE has gained its name as Kings/Legends of P2P not for just our skilled warring but the amount of quality that is put into our warring. P2P Events Although primarily a pking clan, We also have fun events with members and people who are big parts of the FOE Community.Fun Events are organized by any member of FOE, from New Member to Leader but mainly by our awesome High Council/Council Team. Events can range from Killing each other in innerclan wars to killing monsters for great loot. We usually have around 2 P2P Miniwars every day (Members Only), P2P Midweek's will be run throughout the week (Monday-Thursday) and will be open to anyone of the community and Fun events for the members of FOE. FOE is generally all about having a great time! Over the past 7 years Final Ownage Elite has had so many people spent countless amounts of time putting their all into this great clan. Some are still around, some are long gone but these are just some of the people that made this clan what it is today. Our Leadership is a strong group of people that stand out from the rest of the the clan for wanting to make it a better place for its members, Our leadership are strong not just within eacother but with the members and community. For more information on our past/current leadership click here. Current Leadership [Founders] Bonesaw Pk Ilx Ace Ilx [Leader] Adhi (Adhi) [High Council] Brett (FoeRS-Com) [Warlord] ? Final Ownage Elite Media Final Ownage Elite are well known across Youtube for our Clan PK Videos/Weekly Events. With just over 21,500 Loyal subscribers FOE has been the birth of some famous PKers. We enjoy making the video's for our audience. Please, Take some time out an preview the Final Ownage Elite Movie/PKing Video Playlist, It Will give YOU An Insight of what FOE is, And What YOU could be apart of. FOE PK Video Series (1-4) Click here for full series FOE "The Movie" Series (1-2) Click here for full series Requirements Considering joining Final Ownage Elite? *When you are joining, think about it seriously. Joining a clan is not for playing around, it requires commitment, maturity and dedication, you cannot join temporarily and leave* But you will have a hell of a lot of fun with us and get out more than what you put in. 78+ Hp for ALL Options. All Applicants applying with Options A, B, or C must have a third stat of 70+. Option A. Melee Based 90+ Strength with 82+ Magic or 82+ Range Option B. Range Based 90+ Range with 82+ Magic or 82+ Strength Option C. Magic Based 90+ Magic with 85+ Range or 85+ Strength Option D. 3-Way Hybrid 85+ Strength, 85+ Range, 85+ Magic. NOTE: Requirements are the bare minimum, meeting them does not mean you will be automatically accepted! In FOE we only strive for the best so be prepared to continuously train your stats during and after your application process. Good luck!
Cʟᴀɴ Iɴꜰᴏʀᴍᴀᴛɪᴏɴ Clan Chat: Fatality Forums: Discord: Twitter: Wʜᴀᴛ ɪs Fᴀᴛᴀʟɪᴛʏ? Founded on May 9th 2006, Fatality is one of the oldest pure clans in Runescape. Fatality has become more than a Runescape community, we have evolved into a family. We pride ourselves on having the greatest community in Runescape. Over time racking up losses and wins against every other top clan in existence defeating such names as Mayhem Makers and Final Ownage Elite. Fatality is one of the oldest and most prestigious pure clans to ever exist. For over 7 years we have managed to adapt to Jagex's game changes & still stay at the top of the pure warring community. However when the Evolution of Combat was released, pure accounts were deemed useless & Fatality shut its doors for the first time. We are now very pleased to announce that we have re-opened since the Oldschool RuneScape servers have been release Wʜᴀᴛ ᴄᴀɴ WE Oꜰꜰᴇʀ YOU? Fatality is built by a classic style of leadership. Over 8 years old with the foundation of ethics, maturity, and hard work. The pure clan with the largest leadership team to provide the best experience for our members, size does matter. Fatality lives off being the Elite, playing fair, and constant thirst for improvement. Every weekend we set out with the most Elite group of individuals in Runescape. Praised for our organization winning numerous titles in best matched, we live up to our opponents expectations as "most feared" every weekend. Never a dull weekend goes by with the most active and dedicated collective of members in the game. Fatality keeps it clean abstaining from DDoSing, hacking, or otherwise undesirable internet behavior. We believe Runescape is meant to stay on Runescape. All retaliation is handled on Runescape, making us the most fun clan to be apart of. While other clans rather hunt down IPs and crack forums, we give our members the opportunity the extract revenge the old fashion way. We hunt clans. We crack skulls. Our key to success over the years may actually lie in our failure. Being open for more than 8 years has given us many chances to make mistakes and learn from them. As one of our previous Leaders has said, "never a failure always a lesson." We take everything for what it is and seek to improve on it. This is the Fatality way. Cʟᴀɴ Lᴇᴀᴅᴇʀsʜɪᴘ Leader FRERYD2LUMBY - KENNY - COUCK High Council MAGIC - BRIAN - JONS - XGRX Warlord LEE Council MARWAN - JACCO - MATT - ELVE Vɪᴅᴇᴏs
Information Forums link: Discord invite link: Teamspeak: Clanchat: LY RS Uniform: Team 27 Cape & Blue Wizard Hat Planning on joining or any other questions? Feel free to PM any Officer+ Leadership Ram Scott Travis CH Davee FireBlackAsh Who are we? Legacy is a Runescape Pure Clan that was founded in 2018 by a group of friends. Our invision was to grow a community and family that strives to stick to TRUE pure roots. We pride ourselves in having a close and friendly community. We love to PK and war against other clans and we hope that one day you come to fight alongside us. We have one mission, to form best pure clan and community ever created in RuneScape history. Forever-lasting, most dominant, and unstoppable force nobody can compete with.
Never Seen Before Clan Information: DIscord Forums Team - 47 Cape Red Hat Lethal Began in the month of August 2020 and took interest in the P2P Pure scene. As a group of friends we came together and started something special. Within a few weeks Lethal formed strong warriors and battled it out with several clans and took control of most of the wilderness fights! Taking part in both F2P and P2P Events we slowly became a dominant force to be reckoned with. Requirements 50 + Attack 80 + Strength 80 + Ranged 80 + Magic 1-25 Def 70 + Combat
Exodus Exodus was formed after 3 "mid pull bracket" clans decided to join forces to become an unstoppable unit and compete in the big leagues. We have a very experienced rank team, with many successful projects under our belts. Having nonstop activity in the clan, whether it be miniwars, rev cave pking, or singles trips, we are one of the most active communities around. We have systems in place for new clanners to get up to speed and be able to show us their true potential. Large numbers, friendly members, nonstop action and a solid desire to win. No Racism, Doxing, or any "NH" practices allowed, without exceptions. Interested in joining? Check out our discord!
Irrelevant Outcasts (io) Recruiting all non-toxic pures! 6 months old, with 200+ members, daily rev/multi trips with 25-40 average daily pull in US timezone. We are here to find action, and have a good time, avoiding all the regular BS the pure scene offers. Weekly PVM events, and soon to be starting weekend p2p trips on sundays! *Currently looking for experienced members interested in rank or warlord positions* Information: Public cc: "io cc" Combats: ALL Combats welcome 1-25 def Timezones: Mainly US Timezone, and smaller groups in EU timezone. Rules: NO Racism, No flaming (unless otherwise provoked). How to join: PM Control#6787 on discord, with your SB username! We have scouts in most discords and do NOT allow multi clanners unless otherwise specified! Media:
Forums link: Coming soon Discord invite link: Teamspeak: Public Clan chat: "Clan Threat" Home world: World 348 Uniform: Red Hat & Team Cape-48 With Threat, you aren't just a number. You're a part of the next big name in clan pking history. Our ranks in our community have been clanning for years and have a lot of wisdom to share with you and help you transition from a pker to a clanner. We have a very active Non-Toxic community that hosts pking events daily! We offer P2P & F2P events such as Preps, Minis, Midweek trips, Weekend trips, and daily Rev trips! Our vision is to have all three aspects of the clanning community. High activity, Non-toxicity (Good friendly community), and Quality. Leader Vassa Destin Low Fade High Council Luke Bryan Warlord Massing Council Coach
The Wolves are back Join war pub clan chat
Website: Www.Rs-IMT.Com Memberlist: Click the image to join our discord
Discord: Ingame Chat: "DY CC" Site: Dynasty was a clan originally founded in 2013 by a group of friends trying to restart the pure-scene on a private server. Those same group of friends have decided to bring the Blue Lions out again. We hope to revive a scene where no one is scared to fight each other. We are in this to have a good ass time. Our goal is give every one as many events as possible in a thriving scene. Here come the memes. Ranks: Skater Alex Matt
Clan Information: Clan Chat - EV Lobby Forums - Teamspeak - Discord - About us: EnVy is a 5 year old pure clan which was opened by former ranks of another pure clan Bloody Vikingz. We take great pride in our community and have a strong core on the back of this, a core which we are always looking to add to! Rank structure: Hassan/313 Over TheReal Elmir Enza Killer TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA Events: EnVy takes great pride in it's fun events which we have in our community, the big dick bandits are back to shit on the scene. Want to join up? Pm me.
INTOLERANCE 500+ IN DISCORD / WEEKLY DROP PARTIES / DAILY REV - PK TRIPS / WEEKLY MASSES Hey guys, this is a recruitment topic for intolerance.. You may have heard us being referred to as "Pixel Mafia".. we've been kind of... Undercover and not posting on sharkbrew or coming to official events while we've been building up numbers and momentum. We are now happy to say we are officially open with this weekend being our official opening weekend! (Vids incoming) We are happy to take this first step to becoming an official clan, as we're really active in the wilderness and with inners events. Staff Member List Leader: 0vl High Council: Hi7 High Council: Chicken Talk Warlord:Ree_Skrtw00f Council:LORD_MAGICKZ Captain:KittieSpit Captain:L42D If this is something that interests you, please feel free to Pop into our official channels: Clanchat: Mafia_CC Discord: - or add 0vl#8123 Thanks for reading guys, looking forward to attending official events and weekend masses with ya'll... 0vl
from a third party (non-biased op pinion) rot has no reason to be entering our scene additionally they are tarnishing their historic legacy with this move - and their tenured veterans should be ashamed (if there are even any left) Foe needed to be checked for their methods but this is not the answer.
looking for a clan, dont have any experience, usually just 1v1 at edge. dont have pray yet but will get if i find clanning fun cb-72 att-50 str-99 def-1 rng-99 mage-87 ( should be 94 in a few days) hp-94
DETRIMENTAL is an OSRS Pure clan that is very active In the pure community with an extremely dedicated and loyal core. We are a non-toxic clan focused on improving our members abilities and enjoyment. We are active daily and our always hosting unofficial PK trips. We have weekly Inners on Monday, Mid-Weeks and Sunday trips. We want all pures to come and join us if they meet our minimum requirements. 50+ Attack 1-20 Def 75 Strength 80 Range 82 Magic 43 Prayer 80 Hitpoints Our clan chat is DT lobby and we only use discord for voice communication. Discord invites can be handled through the front page of our forums. Home World: 386 Team hat: TEAL Team cape: 25 Any questions add DT FLOWER#6217 on discord for more information We hope to see you. Detrimental Eager to cause pain.
After 5 months of being closed upholding a now 10 year legacy, Critical Damage has decided to open it's doors once again to reign hell over the pure scene. If you were previously CD, you know how much we pride our community and loyalty to the clan. If you're a true Abdullah, you know what to do and where to find us. Information: Website: Teamspeak: Discord: @LEADER ThatBoyRange Brap Parm HIGH COUNCIL 8pint Whale **TBD** WARLORD Andre COUNCIL Pasco Mike Sqweely Phebz
hey, i am looking for my first clan. I live in Canada , Est timezone 60 Attack 91 Strength 1 Defence 99 Range 44 Prayer 82 Magic 91 HP
Hi guys, My name is Adem and I am from Sydney, Australia.... Looking for my first ever clan! 50 Attack 80 Strength 1 Defence 88 Range 31 Prayer 85 Magic 80 HP Timezone: (UTC+10:00) Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney
Hi guys, I would like to introduce you a new project of pures clan, we have pk trips every single nights and we are pulling out like 15 people already, the clan stands for levels 30+, feel free to join us at the clan chat Jungledash66 if you're a Magic pure, Range Pure, Strength Pure, Range/2h Pure.
Forums: Discord: Teamspeak: PM a Rank Stampede is a team that aims to bring warrers from different clans and communities together to provide fun, competitive, and friendly action to anyone seeking it in the scene. We are currently P2P based and are open to any and all sorts of events, whether it be wilderness run ins, miniwars, preps, first to 50s, and much much more. We aim to achieve success through teamwork and a true "next man up" approach. Everybody is expected to play their part to the best of their ability for the team. Individual achievements are not the focus here. We do not concern ourselves with clanning politics or being toxic. We just play the game and provide action. This is a place where like-minded players can come together to play in events they enjoy and compete in. All for one. One for all. » Simple navigation around key areas of our website can be found below. « Introductions Application Center Event Aftermath Memberlist Discord Youtube @Leader robbyy, Nut %Council Moni, Lee, Stigi
Clan Information: Clan Chat - EV Lobby Forums - Teamspeak - Discord - About us: EnVy is a 5 year old pure clan which was opened by former ranks of another pure clan Bloody Vikingz. We take great pride in our community and have a strong core on the back of this, a core which we are always looking to add to! Rank structure: Hassan/313 TheReal Killer Hobo Hazard Kegg World Events: EnVy takes great pride in it's fun events which we have in our community, whether these be P2P or F2P.
Eruption Of Pures has decided to reopen its doors and let the pirates raid the pure scene once again. Moving on from a clan isn't exactly as easy as it sounds, especially that clan being EoP, our community is one of a kind and to let it go to waste would be a shame. This clan has built so much over its 12 years of existence, it has opened doors many people would of never imagined would be open and saying that about a Runescape clan should speak for itself. If you would like to join our fine clan, reach us via: Forums: Discord: Teamspeak: IRC: #clan-eop Leader Debb Tyler High Council 17 Jack Leech Parm Ryan Captain DitterBitter Range Grudge Council bOb IcyB Spark Officer Godae Lenin PreGains