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Everything posted by Jonathan

  1. first of all who closed and whos in HPC? second i quit the game for a bit. and three who closed?
  2. apex closes AAO and then ruin dies shortly after because they had no one to carry them, you're almost as bad as Fi. just try not to drop down to xLPC, okay? incase some of you dont know, ruin is dropping down to LPC
  3. ruin, i dont think you understand how this works, you're supposed to move up not down, have fun in LPC, try not to go into the xLPC scene

  4. no one is going to want to move up with CD being there as an "MPC"
  5. i was talking about p2p which someone brought up why not do it so i said because apex would clear those 3 clans by themselves, please do follow along i know you need to hold hands with those other clans but seriously come on dude its only english its not hard
  6. i also have personal experience being camped by CD mains starting like september of last year, and you guys also gloating on SHARKBREW that you have 80 mains or something waiting on TS. when you guys are the ones saying you have mains, and that you dont do preps cause no real pures and lack of quality, yeah im going to say you have way too many mains to be considered a pure clan its not propaganda because you dont believe it, its the truth
  7. wouldn't that be the opposite? since on SharkBrew it'd be everyone voicing their opinions ect? if it was propaganda it would be coming from our forums. Lmao you've got brown sticky stuff backwards dude, maybe its not propaganda but stupidity that is required to join that trash clan called Critically brain dead, it all makes sense now.
  8. jeeze dude is kim jung un your leader, they've got you sippin so much koolaid man, all you have to do is look around and see whats happening lmfao
  9. its easy to pull when half your clan multi logs on their mains
  10. by looking at the picture it seems cd is a main clan, and it would make sense for rage to train up mains.. cd with the propaganda though because they know that they're brown sticky stuff when its an even playing field
  11. not to preps, everyone pulls like 30 ish because half of them arent multi logged on their main
  12. over half of your pull was people from the twitch stream lmfao + Apex never dropped below 30 and we never actually entered multi (when you guys were sniping us in singles), we were at the multi line and nox told us to go back west
  13. lol.. apex would single handedly clear Impact, ruin and cd
  14. CD automatically loses it for them, no doubt
  15. talks brown sticky stuff about apex and can barely beat VT, ye ok
  16. lmfao the irony says brown sticky stuff about them being a laughing stock if they bring more mains and 30 def kids, yet thats exactly what CD does
  17. AAO and CD getting railed again, nothing new

  18. you have to beat the #1 clan first lol, AAO is like bottom 3 in p2p so simmer down,
  19. lmfao ruin acts big after a f2p win when they were perfected in one of the rounds, smh

    1. TheBean


      apex still doesn't accept preps off aao

    2. B S E Rs

      B S E Rs

      ur clan is dead

  20. what the honest fuck, i post the exact same topic i get brown sticky stuff like "lol broccoli" "would never work again" ect and here people are like yeah sure lets give it a shot. OT: i think we should do it, and people saying it'll just die down again it has to at least be tried... dont forget this game is supposed to be fun for fuck sakes just grab your balls and fucking do it
  21. lol its kinda expected.. MPC's and HPC's dont do as many midweeks as LPC's do
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