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EV Ice

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Everything posted by EV Ice

  1. Today Bloody Vikingz massed up 46 later peaking at 48 Shoutouts PoP For still being banned from wild Purge for getting cleared x3 Faith for doing nothing the entire trip Iceey Pov Overs0n Pov Uploading...
  2. Still waiting for the video when you cleared us down 16, 17 hours since the trip ended lmao
  3. Pain is still bae get off him lol
  4. Today Bloody Vikingz massed up 58 later peaking at 61 First fight we hit PoP south of hillzhut, dropping them slowly before walking them down to ditch. 10 mins later we hit them at hillzhut, pushing them south before they turned east to singles, banned. Last fight of the night we hit PoP east of sperms and pushed them, once agin, to singles. Thanks for the action Shoutouts PoP for being banned from wildy Purge for teaming up with PoP PoP for camping singles for 3 hours straight Iceey Pov ThreeTwo1 Pov
  5. Mfw you need help from LP to post an aftermath topic, god bless
  6. Today Bloody Vikingz massed up 51 later peaking at 55 Started off the night by hitting Purge at hillz hut, despite being down 10 and getting hit by Faith from the south we still manage to come up on top in this fight and take down both Faith and Purge in a 2v1. Second fight of the night we hit PoP and Faith east of sperm in a big cluster, resulted in sending Faith to singles and chasing PoP across the map before walking them to ditch Thanks for the action PoP/Faith/Purge Shoutouts PoP For being 2 hours late and getting dicked just as they enter wild Purge for getting cleared despite having Faith helping them Faith for pulling 17 Iceey Pov ThreeOne2 Pov JD Pov https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0G4P6_OCNv8
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