For the second day in a row, Terror thought they could step foot into Zeniths Wilderness. We quickly massed up 25 Zenith Members, and peaked to 30+ Zenith to farm Lord Eggs and his victim wolves. Being Terror and RARELY ever PKing they thought it was a good idea to begin their trip at Lava Dragons. Since Terror is brand new to the whole midweek PKing scene, we sent a bait to Lava Dragons. As we logged our bait in, we waited 5 seconds for their shit midweek pull to log in, and logged in ALL 30 Mountain Men to COMPLETELY EVAPORATE/CLEAR them within 30 seconds. We caught a spam after fully clearing them, as they decided not to return and went to catch a bank.
Lord Eggs next move was to attempt to PK in ZENITHS CAVES... Since Lord Eggs is fairly new to midweek PKing as they avoid the wilderness at all cost, he made a very costly decision entering those caves. A little birdy told us Terror was hopping at black demons. After clearing them fully the first time and catching a bank, we quickly made our way to OUR caves, and waited at black demons. Not only did they get baited once, but Lord Eggs got baited 2x the same exact way within a 10 minute span. We logged in right on top of Terror (Low Tier Clan) and fully cleared them once again within 60 seconds. They didn't bother returning, they quietly sat at Ferox bank trying to figure out what to do next after they've been talking all that talk, just to get bodyslammed.
Terrors final move before Zenith ended them was to attempt to fight Zenith at CA. After getting brutally beaten and fully cleared 2x, Lord Eggs proceeded to asking Rev and their 4 man pull for assistance. We logged into Terrors world rushed west CA, and wiped everybody we could and proceeded to farm them for the next 30 minutes. We stayed there farming the Low Stamina Wolves till Lord Eggs decided to call it quits as Zenith fully cleared him for the THIRD time of the night. After tonight Lord Eggs will strongly need to reconsider on who he decides to pipe up too as he suicided his members 3x in one night.