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Everything posted by LMFAO DOME LOST

  1. yeah they won't post an aftermath topic for months leading up til their closure. see you in hpc doom
  2. holy brown sticky stuff, you're really, really, REALLY fucking broccolied, aren't you?
  3. holy brown sticky stuff they really are fucking horrible lmfao
  4. join cd because doom is fucking brown sticky stuff l0l http://critical-damage.org/forums/
  5. no one has heard of us? http://forums.zybez.net/ Go take a look for yourself as you obviously weren't around when we even opened lmfao. probably too busy playing battlescape Pures takes more skill than mains???? l0000000000000000000000000000000000LLLLLLL pures are easy as fuck. i don't think i've ever heard someone say something as broccolied as what you just said.
  6. we had to drop 15+ members every single round...?
  7. I heard doom is complete dog brown sticky stuff.
  8. my nigga @@Hog just rekt all these fucking broccoli zenith bundle of twigsgots. where you at @ultama @ubermensch @Moni
  9. nigga's about the size of my little 3 year old cousins dick.
  10. l00000000000000000000000000000lcya broccoli
  11. it's tomorrow already. we'll take our free sig just to make doom more mad that they haven't won anything since october lmfa0
  12. I'm sorry what? http://critical-damage.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=18916&do=findComment&comment=271800
  13. it's already dead mate. nice try though.
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