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Everything posted by V A A K

  1. Thanks for the Shoutout Karli & Seven! Damn this was way too fun. We encourage other clans to try out irl events if possible. The memories you get even with a night out as 5. Go have fun boys! Totally worth it. Luckily It's so easy for us to make theese events happen. Estonia is a small country, but mad respect to the guys who showed up!
  2. Can't believe we actually had a trip when half of us had a hangover from the cruise. We were drunk af this sunday morning lol. When i was home @ Tallinn some members just woke up on the ship lmao.
  3. We voted if we invite girlfriends, but there were like 60% no. So we decided they will probably kill the mood. They would be bored and wouldn't understand anything we're saying.
  4. If I know correctly vikings didin't live in finland. I know some of the Vikings lived in Saaremaa, Estonia. Finns are good drinkers though better than Russians
  5. Was fun We forgot some clans. LP/Prestige should have been there. Much love from StrikeTeam to pure scene! See you this weekend!
  6. Have i missed some kind of an update? Fire cape and clan wars armour in gds? Dying 10 times? I must have been inactive for too long.
  7. Gratz doom was fun! Our quality has gone down again and we are kind of slumping, because its exams time in Estonia. Next year we will give you a better prep Also our main caller got ddosed all rounds.
  8. gf boys was fun st will go out on mondays from the new year, maybe even next week. Let's see
  9. Gf invictus! Respect for clean fight:) We will give you a better fight next week
  10. I feel like LPC scene should move up to MPC as MPC moved to HPC leaving MPC empty af. I just hope no 30 def in MPC. It's cancer af. We have 1 30 def in striketeam, but he is using mith armor.
  11. Ty for the action guys. We wanted to give Doom action so we merged with IV for 2 fights. See you next Sunday!
  12. Thanks boys was fun. We are lpc with mpc accounts to be exact. We never use mains and will never fall to this level. Currently new members are working on their levels to be a true mpc with +80 combats. Thank you LPC scene for the action. Hope you guys will rebuild MPC scene in the future with us.
  13. It's complicated. We have good relationships with Invictus, Rage, Olympus, Corrupt Pures, Final Ownage Elite. I personally can't attend HPC trips without attacking my friends. All we want is good action and harm no one while doing so. I understand the rivarly between Fs and Iv. Iv looks like retards to you and you look retards to Iv. If we merge trips there will be problems and flaming. We try to be as neutral as we can while having good manners and relationships with other clans. Was a good Sunday tho, no dramas.
  14. Was fun guys If we get 60 by the end of the year there will be big celebrations irl with clan
  15. That pull inspired us to try and pull 60! Gotta dream big Thanks for the awesome feedback boys!
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