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Killer Kamal

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Status Replies posted by Killer Kamal

  1. Permabanned in EOP, SK, & Doom who's next?

  2. I make vids of standing in single with my clan. I am a pirate, i only crash a clan that pulls 20. I dissapoint my members. What clan am I in?

  3. rough day to be olympus.

  4. Heard Fury got smoked

  5. You know who to join boys, Play Smart.

  6. rough day to be olympus.

  7. What serious clans open on Battlescape, trummer,massacre,ravage,chalviry? Any of them worth joining

  8. What serious clans open on Battlescape, trummer,massacre,ravage,chalviry? Any of them worth joining

  9. What serious clans open on Battlescape, trummer,massacre,ravage,chalviry? Any of them worth joining

  10. Paying 5m-9m per trip hit me up on irc Query [sF]Control_Pker

  11. [20:08] ill brb in 4mins i gotta take trash out jen wont shut up L0000l

  12. feels good to go home from my mickey dees job to my moms house, go curl 10 pound weights at the gym, then go on to a runescape fan site bragging about a life i dont have to impress virgins like myself

  13. Feels good driving home from my girls house and remembering I look really good irl, go to the gym, and my life is good to the point where I don't cry about getting banned on a runescape community website.

  14. Query [sF]Control_Pker for the Leaking goodies ;)

  15. Foe can't even take an L like men lol gz cd on breaking foe

  16. How you guys doing today?

  17. Since Announced re-opening we have received 176 introductions in 20 days.

  18. SF undisputed worst pure clan of all time


  20. Prediction:Remember when Imperial pulled 100+ on their opening trip, Doom will probably do the same. In the end they will drop to 40 pull just like Imperial xD. (The hype is going to die in 2-3 weeks after opening)

  21. Funny how Op + Iv are the most ridiiculed Hpc/Lpc, both are led by BvG lol

  22. Sk Closed, Op+SF won't save IV, 3-0 in our last 4 preps vs Iv, Iv hasn't made a topic for their last 4 official trips.

  23. OP just keeps winning

  24. Olympus seem to be piping up to every clan & losing LOL smh

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