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Everything posted by Imperialwilbedeadin1month

  1. This is not even about this mini, but doom got so many lpc's of the month when they were all 80-85s. Why has the lpc cb cap lowered this summer?
  2. Imp pull like 30 and cancel their weekend trips but manage to pull 67 on a friday lmfao, seems legit. Maybe this will keep them alive for a few more weeks.
  3. I won't miss imperial at all, pretty sure about that one. GJ boys
  4. thot u were dissin xl hard by the title but na nvm, who the fuck is agbow l0l.
  5. pretty sure u bring half of aao to your weekend trips you cauliflower fucking hypocrite.
  6. Lmfaaaao, first of all you always bring like 8 mains to attack us and kill some of ours before you rush us. And second you're not "down 10", you have your own mains wearing our capes. Fucking pussies, even xl doesn't stoop down to those bullbrown sticky stuff tactics. But go ahead, keep on thinking what you're doing is right.
  7. looks like every single clan in runescape wins again
  8. After imp cheated and stil got the win vs aao, no way they will dispute and get the win. Karma is a fucking bitch.
  9. Impact take a loss like a man when you are handed one
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