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Everything posted by Attackings

  1. Yeah sounds awesome, as long as ts issues are solved it'd be nice. Gj Cassidy
  2. Only 13 more days =]

  3. It's not starting over. You guys are already MPC's and that's the fact. What Dude was trying to imply (I think and i'm also speaking for myself) is that when f2p comes out and the next wave of LPC clans come, we should/need to actually make them LPC's and not put MPC stat requirement on our sites. Ex: 75+ stat with 70+ secondary, and then also train up to 80+ stats and call yourself an LPC
  4. yeah i hope this happens. Lpcs with 80cb isnt actually lpc. Thats basically an mpc. But since all lpcs have high cb account with mpc stats, there are no mpc clans [besides chaotic]
  5. Gj looked fun. @@Kip can I get song name in first vid please?
  6. banners nice, i like the w/o text glow more. butif u want honest opinions u should change the text type in the sig, doesnt blend together imo
  7. Geeke ur fkn potato masher. Inb4topic close because it's about hittin
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